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"Alicia. Always know that we were always proud of you ,no matter where we are."

I woke up in cold sweat. I just saw mom and dad...was it a dream? It felt so real though. I was happy to know atleast they are looking after me, where ever the are.

I checked my stomach and surprisingly, it was alright as if nothing happened.


I smiled a little then I realised this current environment feels so familiar. I glimpsed around the room...I WAS BACK INTO MY OWN ROOM. MY ERA!!


Everything that happened before was a blur to me but i was so happy to finally to be back where i belong. I rushed to find my body guard, Wonho.

You dont know how i missed that teddy bear.

I found him on the coach, stressing about something before i literally jumped on him to give him a tight hug.

"Wonho..." i said quietly as my tear trickled down my face.

He was in complete disbelief. "Where were you Alicia!? You got us worried to the point of death!" His was still shocked as I hugged him tighter.

The man was too stunned to speak.

"I missed you so much...Alicia. Besides the fact that im doing my job to look after you but...i missed your fun personality lighting up my day. Aww my dear friend" he bawled his eyes out as he hugged me back

"I honestly missed your pancakes more" i said as i got up from him, lightly giggling. "Ill tell you later about what exactly happened to me a-"

Before i could finish, Wonho checked if i had any wounds on me. "You...fine" he breathed out a sigh of relief. "Dont ever do that again! I almost had a heart attack." I could see how much he cared for me and that brought more tears in my eyes.

Its not like i disappeared by choice.
I was still overwhelmed okay? So dont judge.

"I bet you are hungry, let me whisk something up for you" He reassured me and sat me down. Before he could go to kitchen, he made a phone call. I think he was letting people know i was back. Safely.

Once he ended the call, i asked him how long have i been 'missing' for?

"7 months Alicia...7 months" He looked down for a minute and went to cook something.


But i was in that world for a month...

I tried to wrap my head around what had happened before i got back here. Okay Sunghoon got killed, I was rescued by Jake and...Sunoo...

How could i forget about him?

My heart ached knowing i left him in such a state. I couldnt believe i was separated from him...withen a century gap.

I couldnt even confess my love for him.

I was so lost in thought that i didnt hear Wonho calling me. "Hey..are you okay? I just finished making your favourite, macaroni and mushroom with chicken."

He tried to lighten up the mood but he wasent comfortable with the thought of not knowing what you went through these couple of months.

"Im just...recovering.." I was just so upset about how i shared my last moments with Sunoo.

We deserved a happy ending.

Totally. Aint no BACK TALK.

As i was about to dig into my food, Wonho announced that he hired more security to guard me. "Ohkay..." i quietly responded to him as i dived into my food.

Not gonna lie but this macaroni slapped.

"They will come in a couple of minutes so as some police to interrogate you..." Wonho wanted to be sure that I was okay with everything even though he noticed that im not really well.

"We can tell them to come tomorrow.." "No its totally okay." As soon as I put my dish into the sink, we heard the doorbell ring.

"Ill get it." Wonho hurried away to open it to reveal a tall guy in a black suit.

His hair as black as midnight.
His amber eyes glistening.
His fair skin glowing.
His silhouette broad and tall.

He was indeed attractive but his face of his is so...familier.

I gasped.

It cant be.

"Why dont you introduce yourself?" Wonho asked the young man.

The man bowed infront of me and his beautiful smile captivated my heart...once again.

"Im Kim Sunoo, at your service."

We have arrived to the final destination to this journey. Im grateful for those who stayed till the end even though it took a whole year to finish this.



A Century Ago || Kim Sunoo Where stories live. Discover now