The night is young, and AJ's growing old!

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       We dashed back to town keeping an eye out for anybody who matched our guy's profile. We couldn't ask if anyone saw him because after I killed him people would probably point their fingers at me. It makes me irritated thinking about how I let the guy get away. I stomp on the ground and shout, which I regret after seeing so many people staring at me. I walk on as innocently as possible. We checked the library, Pinkie's, the center of town where the party still raved on, and crowds of people congregated around the roads. We waded through the waves of townspeople and pushed our way to the guardsmen, who stood up on the high steps, blocking the door to the princess. Thankfully, we did not see them talking to Berry Cream, nor did they care about seeing us.

       We ran another lap around and came back to the floral shop. Owned by Thorn Bush, the place offers the best roses and orchids in the town. We went on in and crouched by the cashier's counter, was the unmistakable face of Berry Cream, who spotted us, and then ran into the backroom. I walk over with the intent of smashing his face in, but I'm stopped by Thorn Bush, who asks my business. "Sorry, has my friend Berry Cream stopped by here? We were looking for him." Thorn Bush batted her eyes at me with an ounce of doubt. "She said someone would be after her. She asked me to keep an eye out for them. No, she's not here. She bought a few roses and darted off. Sorry." I squinted at her, telling her I knew she was lying. She didn't change her expression, still looking at me with judgment.

       "Well then, I guess we'll have to go. We just wanted to invite her over for some apple pie. I'm sad we weren't able to talk to her." Thorn Bush hums an "mhm" and then says goodbye and good luck. We walk out and as soon as I get out the door, I warn Fluttershy: "We'll have to kill them both." Fluttershy exclaims, "What?! Why?!" I shake my head with frustration. "Thorn Bush knows about what I did. I'm sure Berry Cream told her all about it. Thorn Bush isn't one to tattle, but she sure is one for gossip. My violent activities will be spread around and muttered under people's breath from mouth to mouth. By the end of this week, everybody will suspect me to be a sadist."

       Fluttershy pleaded with me, "Just tell Thorn Bush he broke in!" I snap back, "A normal person doesn't tie up their burglar and hit him upside the jaw! That weasely bastard! I can't believe he slipped out." Fluttershy tried to bring some reason in to calm me down. I'll admit, I am getting a bit too hot-headed to think clearly. "Applejack... just go in and talk to her. I'm sure she'd believe you. You're always honest. Every pony knows that." I listened to her, and after hesitation, I agreed. I walked back into the floral shop and confronted Thorn Bush. I didn't smell it the first time, but this place smells like rain.

       "Hey, Thorn Bush. Sorry for bothering you again, but I think you and I need to talk." She gives me another judgemental glare. "Oh yeah? A talk about what, would you say?" I nod my head in the direction of the back room. "Our good friend, Berry Cream. He broke into my house a few hours back, so I may have roughed him up a little bit." Thorn Bush restated her previous claim more sternly this time. "He's not here, AJ. You'll have to go lookin' somewhere else." I gave up, and punched down on the counter, screaming in her face. "YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR TRAP SHUT, ALRIGHT?! MAYBE I'LL GUT YOU LIKE A PIG AND HANG YOU UP ON THE SIDE OF MY BARN, HOW'S THAT?!"

       She didn't respond. Again, her expression didn't change. She did however reach under the counter and rip out a piñata bat, which she swung at me. I ducked under it and took hold of it, tearing it from her grasp. It flew across the room and hit the ceiling. I jumped over the counter and started beating her head against the floor. Over and over and over, until I heard a loud crack that sent her into a deep sleep, or possibly, her death. I stood up and wiped the blood off my hand. Fluttershy walked in and gasped. "What... did you do?" I said back to her, "Welp, she wasn't listening. Very unhelpful pony she was." I knelt and took her pulse. Nothing. Wow, so it wasn't just a mild concussion. She's dead. I half chuckle, which was more of a "well isn't that something" puff.

       I pull up invisible sleeves and head for the backroom, right into me runs Berry Cream. He tried and ran past but bumped right into my chest. I went for his throat and dug my thumbs in to break his larynx. He spasmed and tossed until eventually, he lay still, and I dropped him flat on his back. Great. Couldn't be a messier job than this. I take both of the bodies and move them into the backroom, leaving a trail of bloody footsteps behind. I put my hands together after a job well done, then reached under the counter to find the perfect tool. "Make a pile of roses and stuff, Flutter-Butter." She asks why, and I tell her not to question it. She piles up a good stack of flowers, then I take the Thorn Bush's cigarette lighter that I found under the counter, and light the hefty stack of flowers ablaze, abandoning the building and watching the flame eat away at the building, bite by bite.

       Fluttershy is nearly bursting into tears. I raise my hands in the air in victory, laughing at the soul of Berry Cream as it burns away in the Hell I've created. No, that we've created. Even though Fluttershy is about to cry, I'd be darned if she wasn't enjoying this a little. We head back to the farm to make apple pie. What a wonderful night! The stars are beautiful, and the fireworks only get bigger and bigger. A hum a quaint country tune, and Fluttershy sings along in her way: With whimpers and sniffles.

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