Chapter 4

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 The sun shone brightly on Sunghoon's face, causing the latter to shuffle in his sleep while fumbling with the bedsheets. He really didn't feel like getting up— but right when he was above to fall into his dreamland once again, a strong force jerked him up from his deep sleep.

It was his mom. Standing in front of his bed, staring at him. "Sunghoon. You're gonna be late if you don't get your ass up right now."

The said boy groaned and pulled the blanket over him again, feeling the soft warmth envelope his bare chest. His mom sighed, smacking his forehead. "Ma! Just 5 more minutes..." he mumbled.

"Your friend is here. He's been here, waiting for you to wake up." She said walking out of the room. Sunghoon was still half-asleep, so it took him a while to process the entire situation. He abruptly sat up on the bed, the warm comforter falling off, revealing his chest. "Jungwon is here? But he never picks me up?"

He stood up and walked downstairs shirtless to see who his mom was talking about. He halted when he saw someone he definitely wasn't expecting to see— especially in such a situation.

"Heeseung...what are you doing here?" The said boy stood by the couch, eyes not leaving Sunghoon's bare chest. "Oh shit! S-sorry. I thought it was going to be Jungwon," he covered his body with a cushion. "It's fine..." Heeseung responded, moving closer to the boy.

"You're gonna be late, and I am not gonna be waiting for you. Remember the deal we made yesterday?" Sunghoon simply nodded and glanced at his mom who was eyeing her son skeptically.

"Yeah! Of course, my friend. We'll work on the project." He plastered a fake smile to fool his mom because he knew exactly what she was thinking at the moment. Heeseung cocked a brow in confusion and stared at him in disbelief.

"Why're you acting like that—"

"Shut up. My mom's gonna think we're dating," he spoke up while covering Heeseung's mouth with his hands. Heeseung was flustered for a second but regained his composure when he noticed how Sunghoon's mom was staring at the both. 'Does it look like we're both dating?' he questioned at the possibility and decided to ignore his thoughts for a while, and redirected his attention to the shirtless boy in front of him.

"A-anyways, heeseung hyung, I'll be right there." he pointed at the dude before running up to his room to breathe again, because he honestly had no idea what the fuck just happened.

"Bye Ma." Sunghoon waved at his mom before fixing his bag, which kept on slipping off his shoulder. Heeseung noticed that and he snatched the bag from his hands, hanging it over his shoulder. "You can't even hold a bag properly now, penguin?" he questioned, snorting.

"Stop calling me a penguin. I'm a fucking human." Sunghoon rolled his eyes in exasperation, but he wasn't gonna lie, he really did like that nickname. He also noticed the fact that he felt comfortable around Heeseung, even though they just met— well, talked with each other. He always felt tense with people, no matter who they were.

"So, I thought about some tips and advice I should give you. I'll also be teaching you how to flirt, because judging by your awkward ass personality, I don't think you can even talk to her properly– let alone flirt."

Sunghoon felt offended but decided not to look affected by his honest remark. "First one: be confident when speaking with her." Sunghoon nodded, noting down the advice mentally. "How exactly do you want me to be confident while conversing with her?" He asked curiously.

"It's simple if you think about it. Just be yourself— but don't be too straightforward. Let her ease up with you." Sunghoon slowly nodded, facing the grey pavement ahead of him. "Let me show you," Heeseung added.

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