Chapter 7

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Their lips danced together, as they held onto one another, tilting heads occasionally. Heeseung sighed in pleasure, as he pulled Sunghoon and placed him on his lap, securing his waist with his hands gently. He smirked, moving a strand of hair from the other's face, colliding their lips once again.

It felt euphoric for both— heeseung had kissed many times before, but he never felt this type of excitement surge through his body. It felt satisfying when he connected his lips with Sunghoon. They fit perfectly together.

Sunghoon was in-the-moment as well; he felt Heeseung's crotch against his pants, a low growl escaped his lips while kissing, and Heeseung smirked, hands traveling to Sunghoon's nape. He pulled him closer, this time, the kiss wasn't gentle, it was harsher— needy to be exact. For a second, both males forgot that this was supposed to be practice. Heeseung was about to leave wet trails of kisses on Sunghoon's neck, but the other pulled away, flushing.

"I– I think we should stop...this is going somewhere else.." Sunghoon muttered, flustered. "This was supposed to be practice. I think I learned enough..." He couldn't meet the older's gaze, scared of what he would see.

Sunghoon pushed himself off of the other and stood up, not daring to look back. "Wait." He halted. "Listen...I got carried away. Sorry..." He heard the other word out, obviously nervous, guessing by the tone. "But please, don't kiss her on the first date."

Sunghoon sighed, turning his head and meeting Heeseung's gaze. "Penguin, I know you really love her, but please don't make her uncomfortable." There goes that weird feeling again. Heeseung's eyes always seem to shine, even in the void darkness— it's like it withholds various constellations inside of them, simply gleaming under the dark. Sunghoon could stare at his doe eyes all day, but he had to pull away— to ease his heart. "I won't...I won't make her uncomfortable, don't worry," and with that, Sunghoon paced out of the room, gulping a huge lump inside his throat.

When he stepped outside the room, he fished out his phone to see a few messages from Lia. He felt panic rush over his body, as he immediately dialed the phone. The line was ringing for a while, then Lia finally picked up. Sunghoon sighed, clearing his throat while walking out of the school building. Heeseung was still lingering in the back of his head— the kiss, especially, but he discarded the thought and focused on the voice behind the phone.

"Lia, sorry, I had some duties in the council room. Are you waiting for me?" He spoke up. "It's alright, I understand, and yes I am waiting for you at the library. Did you just head out of the school?" She answered on the other side of the line. Sunghoon felt relieved knowing Lia wasn't disappointed. "Yeah, I just walked out. I'll be there in a few minutes!" He hung up after he heard a low hum behind the other line. He picked his pace and walked to the library as quickly as he could.


"Hey, Lia!" He exclaimed as he walked over to the table Lia was sitting at, with the school supplies. He was bummed out about the set-up— and well, the point of the date, but at least he got to spend time alone with her. She waved a small hi, as they had small talk. He was determined to ask her out today, no matter what.

"Okay, so here are the different ideas and solutions I picked out for you. I figured, since you're more of a visual learner, these will be the best for you." She smiled at him, pushing the books in front of him. Sunghoon returned the smile, pretending to be lost so Lia would lean closer and help him out.

Yeah, he'd been watching too many K-dramas these days because of his crush. To his surprise, Lia actually leaned closer, their faces inches apart now. "Hmm, connect these both together," she mumbled. 'Okay, this is the time. She's gonna look up, and we're gonna meet eyes. Then, BOOM! Eye contact to the finest. We're gonna stare into each other's eyes, and she's gonna blush and look away— then, I'll confess. How romantic.'

Lia frowned and marked something on the paper and moved away, not even taking the chance to glance up at the other who was going crazy at the moment. Well, there goes his scenario; super cringy, he thought. Why did he even imagine that? He sighed and stared at the question, quickly answering it.

"Is this how you do it?" he asked, and averted his gaze toward Lia— and internally gasped when he noticed her gaze. Guess she was staring at him before he even looked up. Sunghoon felt elation, and he mentally clapped inside his head. She quickly looked away and stared at the question, nodding slightly. Sunghoon noticed her ears turning red— causing him to flush in his seat.

'Is she blushing because of me?' He smiled slightly, feeling accomplished. But that feeling of contentment drowned away when he saw a familiar person dragging a chair in front of them, situating himself down.

"Lia, sorry for bumping into you that" The guy quietly spoke up, placing a small carton of strawberry milk in front of the girl. Lia smiled and hesitantly thanked the other, sipping on the milk. Sunghoon sat there, dumbfounded. The guy finally noticed his presence and gasped.

"Oh— were you on a date—so sorry to interrupt." He stood up and bowed slightly, and he honestly looked worried, so Sunghoon assumed he didn't actually notice his presence.

"Oh! Wait– Jay, we're not on a date. I'm just helping him study..." She mumbled the last part, a blush creeping on her face. Jay sighed, peeking a glance at Sunghoon. He understood.

"Oh, okay... well, I'll go now. I just wanted to apologize for the accident."

"I mean, you can stay if you want..." Lia shyly mumbled, catching both males off-guard. Sunghoon wanted to run away due to embarrassment and disappointment. Jay slightly nodded, placing himself on the seat once again.

"Well, Lia. Thanks for the study advice, I'll get going now." Sunghoon gulped, standing up. "Already? Are you sure?"

"Yes. You can stay with Jay. I'll get going, thanks again. See you later." Sunghoon fixed his hair, and threw the bag over his shoulder, tracing heavy footsteps out of the building. The dark sky enveloped his isolated body as he paid no attention to his surroundings. He felt hot tears in the brim of his eyes, and a small teardrop trickled down his cheek. He wiped it, not daring to meet the eyes of the random passerby, who would probably judge him for crying while walking on the streets.

'Why does this always happen?' He asked himself, fixing his bag. He sighed, and fastened his pace, reaching home immediately. The library was close to his house, so he didn't need to take the bus– or rather wait for it. It sounded painful.

He was gonna break into a fit of sobs anyways, so he didn't bother greeting his confused mother and ran to his bedroom, shutting the door. He threw his bag across the floor, running and flopping on the soft sheets of his mattress: his source of comfort. The room was hollow and dark, his body was encaptured with thoughts and flashbacks of everything he wanted to ignore.

'Why am I feeling so sad over a stupid crush? She was never meant to be mine, anyways.' He felt hot tears flowing down his cheeks as he lay in bed and stared at the ceiling. 'What will I tell heeseung tomorrow? Especially after we basically kissed...'

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