Chapter 12

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The keys rattled as the door creaked open, Ms. Park stepped inside the house, closing the door behind her. The living room was hollow, not a single sign of soul lingered in the air. She heaved a sigh, placing her shoes beside the main door, and traced light footsteps to the kitchen to fulfill her thirst.

After chugging a glass of water, her gaze lifted as she stared at the floor upstairs, wondering whether or not Sunghoon heard her entering. He probably didn't, she concluded. With that, she placed her belongings on the couch and walked upstairs to check on her son, who she assumed was fast asleep, snoring away. Her back was aching, and she wanted to dive in the sheets of her bed— sleep for hours.

When she opened the door to her son's bedroom, she found him fast asleep, hugging his blanket tightly. A small smile found a way on her lips, eyes sparkling in the void. She closed the door and immediately walked to her room to sleep.

"Hoon, is she gone?" Heeseung asked from under the covers. "Yeah," Sunghoon breathed out, laying flat on the mattress.


While Sunghoon and Heeseung were arguing, the loud click on the front door pulled them out of their trance, their eyes widened in shock. Sharing a glance, Sunghoon grabbed onto Heeseung's wrist, wasting no time and running up to his bedroom before a disaster occurred. Fortunately, his bedroom door was open, giving the enough time to hide under Sunghoon's duvets before his mother found out.

"Hoon! I can hide in the fucking closet or something!" Heeseung whisper-yelled while being dragged by the other. "Hyung we don't have time for all that," Sunghoon replied under his breath, slipping under the covers and pulling Heeseung along with him. He landed on top of Sunghoon— but the noises of footsteps tracing the wooden floor inching closer to them alarmed both. Sunghoon lay sideways on his bed, pulling Heeseung into an embrace and covering them with the black sheets. He had his leg tangled with the older, who was flushing under the covers while clutching onto Sunghoon's bare waist. His head was nuzzled into the crook of Sunghoon's neck, breath tickling the younger who did his best to act as if he'd been slumbering away for hours.

"Just stay like this for a while.." Sunghoon mumbled, hands traveling to capture the older's waist, securing it between his palms.

The door opened, but Sunghoon dared not to move an inch. After a while of laying there— though it felt like forever— his mom eventually closed the door and both males breathed out a relieved sigh, easing their hearts.

"I'm... sorry about that. It kinda just happened in the spur of the moment.." Sunghoon mumbled after removing his grasp from the older. "It's okay.." heeseung replied back, the air was thick with tension.

"So... uh, I think you should stay the night— considering how late it is," Sunghoon added, pulling himself out of the duvets. "Sure. Thanks," Heeseung mumbled, wondering why the hell it was so awkward all of a sudden.

"Do you.. Wanna take the bed? I can sleep on the floor." Sunghoon questioned, as he locked the door, eyes darting towards heeseung who sat crisscrossed on his bed. "Why're you gonna sleep on the floor when there's a bed here." heeseung replied while rolling his eyes playfully. "Dude, do you want to sleep on the same or something?" Sunghoon asked, then regretting everything he just slipped out from the tip of his tongue. "I mean— I-"

"Sure. We can sleep together." Heeseung muttered in a low voice– almost a whisper. "There's enough space for the both of us, right?" His lips curved into a thin, snarky smirk that weakened Sunghoon's body every time it was directed toward him. He stood there, idle, staring at the older in complete darkness. "C'mon, I won't bite, penguin."

"F-fine... just stay away from me.." Sunghoon grumbled, throwing his arms parallel to each other. He cleared his throat, and stood in front of the mattress, rethinking his choices. Heeseung stared at him while his arms were leaning on the bed for support. He looked dazed; alluring the younger with his honey-brown eyes. "Move," the younger mumbled, and heeseung smiled, laying sideways and creating a distance between the both. "There."

Sunghoon sighed for the last time, moving under the duvets beside the older. He turned around, his back facing Heeseung, attempting to sleep after that eventful night. His eyes darted to the time: 5:54 a.m. The sun would be rising from the horizon in a while.

He lay there for a few minutes, eyes droopy. A small gasp escaped his lips when he felt an arm trail across his waist, his back coming in contact with a broad chest. "Heeseung hyung... what are you doing?" he whispered out, heart beating rapidly due to the sudden skin contact.

"Hoon, let me just hug you. You smell really nice," heeseung whispered out, his breath fanning over Sunghoon's earlobe. He stayed quiet, finding warmth lingering in his touch. "Okay..." the younger whispered under his breath.

"Hoon, you're not sleeping, right?" The younger stayed quiet, responding with a low hum. His body felt a surge of electricity when Heeseung pulled him closer, pecking his earlobe, causing him to whimper slightly. The older didn't stop, his hand slipping under Sunghoon's shirt, caressing his waist lightly. He trailed butterfly kisses all over his nape and ear, the younger flushing immensely. Their hearts were racing— and Heeseung breathed out a low grunt, pulling the black duvets over both, leaving a last peck on the back of his earlobe before tucking his head on Sunghoon's back.

It felt warm. It felt comfortable; Sunghon had never felt such amount of comfort from someone before, since he was never the type to hug– or initiate skin-ship. But he liked this, a lot. He loved it.

They both drifted to sleep, holding each other in a gentle embrace.

— Sorry, this was a short chapter. I felt lazy T^T

But I hope you enjoyed reading it, but be prepared for some upcoming drama :D 

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