Baby Girl

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Imagine Type: cute

Warnings: none (I don't think)

Status: Y/n and Chris are together.

Y/n's P.O.V

I look out the window of my hospital room. It's mid-evening and currently cloudy outside. I rub my belly then look over at the monitors. Not much longer.

The doctor checked me about an hour ago and I'm 5cm dilated. I hear the handle on the door being messed with. I turn my attention toward the sound and watch as Chris walks into my room with a cup in his hand.

"I got you some ice chips." He says taking a sit next to me.

"I want actual food." I said, softly.

"This is what the doctor said you can have." Chris tells me.

Chris begins to spoon feed me the ice chips as the monitor continues to beep in my ear. I can't wait to meet my little girl.

"Nick just texted saying they're on their way." Chris said looking at his phone.

"Okay." I said looking back out the window.

"You okay?" Chris asks me tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Just getting nervous." I admit.

"Hey. I'm always going to be here." Chris says holding my hand. "I'm not gonna leave you or our daughter."

"I just know this world isn't the kindest and I'm afraid she's gonna lose her smile." I admit.

"She might but she's going to be just like her mother. A strong woman who lights up a room and anyone's life she walks into." Chris says holding my hand.

"You're corny as fuck." I giggle.

"I'm just speaking facts Mamas." Chris says, with a shit eating grin.

"Oh my god." I said throwing my head back against the pillow.

"Hey in just a few moments I can call you that and it won't be cringey." Chris says.

"Yeah... only our daughter gets the pass on that one." I tell him.

A few hours pass and it's time for me to push. Since I've been high risk all pregnancy, my doctor didn't allow any visitors into my room. So when Matt and Nick got here they had to stay out in the waiting room. But we FaceTimed them to let them know that their niece will be here shortly.

"Come on Y/n. You gotta push." The doctor said.

At this point I've been pushing for what seems like hours. My blood pressure's up and I'm sweating so bad.

"I can't. I can't." I said shaking my head.

"Y/n..." I hear Chris's voice.

"I can't." I said as tears run down my cheeks.

"Y/n listen to me. Yes you can." Chris says holding my hand tighter. "You are the strongest person I know. You can do this."

"Come on Y/n. Baby's almost here." The doctor says.

Just then I feel the tightness be release and my body relaxes. I then hear the sound of my daughter crying and the tears just start flowing. The doctor puts her on my chest as the nurses wipe her down and clean the fluid out of her nose and mouth.

"She's beautiful." Chris whispers to me, kissing my temple.

I look down at her and I cry even more. My daughter is finally here. The nurses take her off my chest and over to the scales to weigh her.

"Please don't her hurt." I said reaching out, not wanting her out of my sight.

"It's okay Y/n. They're just making sure she's okay." Chris said turning my face to look at him.

Chris leans in and places sweet little kisses on my lips, petting on me.

"I'm so proud of you." He tells me.

Chris sits down beside me and wraps his arm around my shoulders, giving me a side hug. He kisses my temple as he rubs my shoulder.

"She's a healthy 5lbs and 6oz." The nurse says passing my now swaddled daughter to me.

I hold her to where her head is between me and Chris. I couldn't stop staring at her. Her long lashes and rosy cheeks are to die for. I pet her in cheek softly with my pointer finger.

I gently place her into Chris's arms. As he looks down at her, I notice a tear running down his cheek.

"I can't tell who's the bigger baby." I said wiping away his tear before it falls onto our daughter.

"Fuck you." Chris says, with a slight giggle.

Chris placed her down on the hospital bed and we unswaddled her so she can stretch her arms and legs out. Her color was beautiful as I place my pointer finger in her little hand as she begins to wrap her fingers around it.

I notice a dark spot on her side, closer towards her back. My immediate thought was 'oh my god did they bruise her already?' I turn her on her side a little and realize that's it a birthmark.

Just like Chris's.

"Look." I said pointing it out.

Chris gasps softly, covering his mouth with his hands.

"Just like mine." He says, smiling.

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