Christmas Imagine

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Imagine Type: cute

Warnings: none (I don't think)

Status: Y/n and Chris are together.

Y/n's P.O.V

"AND THE CHEST NUTS WILL BE ROASTING!!!" Chris and I scream sing as we make our way down the icy sidewalks of Boston.

The snow is falling as Christmas Day draws closer. The streets are lit up with multicolored Christmas lights covering people's house, bushes and trees. The air is cold enough to see our breathes.

"AND WE'LL BE SINGING DECK THE HALLS!!" Chris and I continue not sticking to one song.

We're 100% disturbing the neighborhood but since Chris doesn't care, I don't care.

"AND ALL THE FUN WE HAD LAST YEAR!!!" Chris hops on my back as we carry on, not giving a single fuck.

Chris gets down and takes my hand, spinning me around. I smile uncontrollably as we dance down the streets. We finally make it to his house and start walking up to his door.

"I feel like I've got frostbite." Chris says giggling while shoving his hands under his arms.

"Right." I said, smiling.

"I feel like my boogers are frozen." Chris says.

"Gross." I said, cringing.

Chris takes my hand and twirls me around as we get closer to the house.

"You still staying the night?" Chris asked.

"Yeah. I mean if you're still okay with it? But if not I can always go home and come back in the morning." I said, not wanting to cross a boundary,

"No need for you to be out in the cold more than what you've already been." Chris says unlocking the door to his parents's house. "Besides I'm already counting on you getting sick by the end of tomorrow evening. Your immune system is absolute shit."

"It's not that weak." I said kicking the snow off my boots as Chris closes the door.

"Just this month alone you've had strep, a double ear infection, a stomach bug, and you just got over an upper respiratory infection." Chris said as he takes off his boots.

I just flip him off as we walk upstairs to his room.

"Don't be mad at me for speaking facts." He says, walking behind me.

I walk into his room and grab my pajamas off his bed.

"I'll be right back." I tell him, giving him a kiss on his cheek before heading to the bathroom to change.

I quickly get changed and walk back down to Chris's room. I peek around his door and see that he's laying in his bed. I smile as I walk around and flop down next to him.

"Boo." I said as I wrap my arms around him.

Chris screams playfully, sarcastically.
He then throw the blanket over my body before turning off his lamp on his nightstand.

Consume in darkness and warmth, I quickly drifted off into sleep.

~ The Next Day

"Y/n wake up." I hear Chris whispered as I'm shaken awake.

I groan as I bury my face deeper into my pillow.

"Come on Y/n get up." Chris says now lifting me up.

He brings me up into a sitting position as my tired head begins to fall. Chris places his hand on the side of my head and pulls me into his chest/shoulder. I rub my eyes as Chris kisses my head.

"What time is it?" I asked with a yawn.

"2:16 a.m." He tells me.

"Imma kick your ass." I said, blinking a few times.

"Come on." Chris says pulling me out of bed.

He guided me down the hallway and down the stairs to the living room, which is lit up by the beautifully decorated Christmas tree.

"Merry Christmas Y/n." Mary Lou tells me softly as we entered the living room.

"Merry Christmas." I tell her back as I join her on the couch.

"Your father is the bathroom but he'll be right down." Mary Lou tells Chris.

"Okay. I'm gonna go wake up the others." Chris says before rushing out of the living room.

"We're absolutely thrilled that you're spending the holidays with us." Mary Lou tells me.

"Thanks for having me." I said gong with a smile.

Soon enough all the guys come and join us in the living room where we all start opening presents. The smiles and laughs are so contagious as there were quite a few prank gifts this year.

Soon the floor is covered in ripped up wrapping paper and boxes. Soon after all the presents were opened, I started to clean up the floor.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." Mary Lou says before walking into the kitchen.

I shoved some paper into the garbage bag that I was holding when a body appears in front of me.

"What are you doing?" Chris asked me.

"Cleaning." I said bending down and grabbing more paper.

All of a sudden, there were snickers and giggles filling the room. Chris and I looked at each other before turning our heads to see what was going on. Matt, Justin and Jimmy were all doing their best trying to not to laugh.

Matt pointing behind us. Chris and I turn around and see Nick standing on a chair with his arm stretched out above him. I look up and... mistletoe.

I smile as I roll my eyes at Nick.

"COME ON IT'S CHRISTMAS!!! GET IN THE SPIRIT!!" Nick says, positively aggressive.

Chris steps before placing his hands on my cheeks and pulling me into a kiss. We pull apart and both look at Nick.

"Happy?" Chris asked him.

"Very." Nick says stepping down off the chair.

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