☆Part 22☆

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I knocked on the door and it opened , I saw Tom.

His eyes were red and puffy , he was in sweats and a oversized hoodie , the hood was over his head and his dreads were to the side.

He had been crying.

I wanted to hug him and tell him everything was okay and it was fine , I know he hurt me but I didn't like seeing him cry.

Even if I hated him.

" hey.." he said looking down to the floor
" hi , I left my phone in here..I was wondering if I could get it back.." I said

He scooted to the side and let me in , I walked in and saw my phone on the counter.
I walked over to the counter and grabbed my phone. I felt glares on me , I knew it was Tom but I just ignored it.
I started heading over to the door to go back in Georg's room until Tom stopped me.

" Zig.." he said " yes Tom..?" I said looking down

He walked over to me and put his hands on my waist, that's when I looked up and saw Tom tearing up.
" I swear , I didn't mean to hurt you.."
Tom cupped my face with both hands , I felt myself turning red but I tried to hide it.

I stayed silent and just turned my face to the side.
He knew I was trying to avoid eye contact with him.
" zig , I swear I never wanted to hurt you at all , okay I'm very sorry.." Tom said as tears fell from his face.

Tears fell from my face as I said that.
She was trying to avoid eye contact with me.

I put my hand under her chin turning her head to face me , she looked me in the eye.
I could see tears forming in her eyes as I looked at her.

I hurt her.

That's all I could think about.

I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.
I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her. I hurt her.

I cried , I sobbed , I teared but this was worse.

I felt myself begging for her to forgive me for everything I had done to hurt her.

I closed my eyes as I cried knowing the Ziggy was watching me.

Suddenly arms were around me , my eyes shot open " it's okay Tom.." she whispered
I hugged her back " no ziggy it's not okay! I never should've done this to you! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry I hurt you! Im so sorry I hurt you!" I cried , I heard her sniff as she was crying.

" it's okay Tom , it's okay.." she said

" n-no! It's not okay..it's just not! Im so fucking sorry...please ziggy please!" I begged

" Tom.." she said " I'm sorry " I said
" it's okay.." she said as she gripped tighter onto my shirt.
She slid her back on the wall down making me slide down with her as she hugged me.

We stayed on the floor just hugging and sobbing.

" Tom I have to get back to bed.." she said
" please don't leave me.." I said
" I'm not leaving you , I'm just going to bed.."
" okay.." I said as I let go of her , she let go of me as well and looked me in the eye.

Her eyes were red and puffy , I looked at her eyes than down to her lips , I wanted to kiss her so bad. I wanted to feel her soft lips on mine.
I wanted to feel my lip ring all over her lips.

I looked her back on the eye than back down to her lips. I cupped her cheek , I knew this wasn't right. I didn't give in , I kissed her cheek than looked back at her.

We both got up and she headed out of the room back downstairs as I sat down on my bed.

I knew what he wanted to do , I wanted him to do it , I wanted him to kiss me.
I wanted to feel his soft lips in mine , along with his lip ring.

I sighed , I hated him but deep down I loved him.
I just couldn't show it even if I wanted too , I didn't know how especially because he hurt me.

I entered the living room and grabbed my bag heading into the kitchen, I grabbed a glass and went over to the fridge and poured water into my glass.

I drank the water and as I was I felt hands on my waist " what the fuck!" I said as I choked on my water spilling it all over me.
" shit I'm so sorry "
It was Georg , I turned around and gave me a
' you made me spill my water ' look

" I'm sorry my love " Georg said as he pulled me in close , I turned red.
I put my glass down " you made me spill my water " I said
" and all over my clothes " I continued
" I'm sorry " Georg said with a fake pout
" it's okay I have my PJ's anyways"

Georg let go of me and grabbed my glass and poured more water and drank it " hey! What about me?" I laughed , he poured more water and handed me the glass.
I leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek but instead he turned and I kissed him on the lips.

Gosh this was wrong.

Is it wrong that I wished Georg was Tom right now? Or was I just feeling like that because of how he hurt me.

He pulled away " I'm sorry " he said
" for?" I said " kissing you " he said
" it's okay " I said

" I know you still like Tom.." Georg said
" look Georg , I like you but I like him too..right now I'm just stuck in a love triangle..I just like you both so much.." I said
" it's okay I understand..but your going to have to pick one..and one only" Georg said
" yeah ofc but right now is not a great time especially because Jennifer is coming over tomorrow." I said " it's fine just take your time "
Georg smiled.

I drank the water and put the glass in the sink than walked over to Georg's room with him following behind , I entered his bathroom and started changing into my PJ's , after I was done I headed out and saw Georg on the bed on his phone.

" bill texted and asked if you were okay" Georg said " he's sweet " I smiled , Georg nodded and I put my bag down along with my phone.

I laid down next to georg as he put his phone down on his side counter.

" goodnight georg " I smiled
" goodnight love " he said as he wrapped his arms
Around my waist.

I'm very sorry for the last post but here is this one for a longer one❤️ The next part will have drama😔 anyways byeee love y'all🫶🏼

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