It was early in the morning, and the kids were playing outside, most of them had eaten or made their own food, some didn't eat at all saying they're not hungry.Oklahoma was playing around in the snow, he was eating it-
Maine was making snowmen with Georgia who was covered in snow, everyone knew she was his favorite alongside Connecticut, which made the New England states a little jealous of her..
Meanwhile, two states were in their uncle's room looking around for something that might help them keep whoever he wants to take.
"Come on there has too be something!" Whispered Delaware as he went through every drawer inside his uncle's room, "Ебать!" Said Alaska as he gave up.
"Wevv bettrr get going". Said Alaska as he heard the door opening, they ran out of there careful to put everything how it was before.
× × ×
Confederate heard someone pulling up in the driveway, he smiled as he looked outside his window, as he expected he saw four countries and his brother. The four seemed to only come for a day, Mexico seemed exited and scared, Japan was witness of what her mother did to a four year old. Russia knew Alaska, he was neutral about meeting him. Britain on the other hand, looked straight to Confederate's room, he smiled and nodded signalling him to get everyone rounded up and get the supplies ready.
× × ×
"Alaska I found something!" Said Delaware as he picked up a list, Alaska came closer and started to read.
Delaware gasped and Alaska felt his body tense. "Elevven..he's going to takke elevven.." said Alaska.
"We've out to get someone, one of the older states.." said Delaware as he grabbed the note out of Alaska's hands and ran outside.
Confederate noticed this and frowned looking at the paper they had in their hands. He sighed, plan B, he thought as he heard the doorbell ding.
"Maine!" Said Delaware as he approached Georgia and Maine who were putting a top hat on the snowman they had just made.
"Maine we-" started Delaware but he got cut off by another person, "kids come inside, your father has a surprise for you!" He said, all the states rushed inside and lined up by groups in the living room.
America opened the door and smiled weakly at the sight of everyone, "America, what seems to be the commotion?" Asked a British voice coming from outside, the thirteen and New England states froze at the voice.
Vermont looked at his dad who had a apologetic look on his face before revealing the British man. Britain looked around before spotting them.
"Pleasure to see you again!" He said as he came closer, the New England states stepped away from him as much as possible. "Dad, stop.." said America, the British looked at the New England states with a murderous grin as he stepped away.
Maine was still frozen from the encounter, past memories from his life came flooding back, everything he had to put up with, the torture, the pain, the starving...
He wanted to explode, he wanted to vanish, he needed to go..
He felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Connecticut who seemed distressed as well.
Maine looked up and saw Texas who was trying hard not to have a panic attack at the sight of his father. "What are you doing here.." he said, "Texas please.." said Mexico as he crouched down infront of his children.
California instantly went into his arms, crying her heart out, the rest followed, Mexico was grateful that they forgave him for having to leave him.
Japan saw Hawaii and gasped, she saw the black part of the six year old's face. "Hello miss Tokyo!" Said Hawaii, Japan hugged the little girl tightly apologizing repeatedly.
"Привет Россия" said Alaska as he caught sight of him, "Привет" said Russia, they kept staring at each other.
"Well, I'd better get going..." Said Japan, Hawaii and America wished her goodbye before she left.
"I have to leave as well.." said Mexico as he looked at his children, "we'll come visit" they said, Mexico looked up and saw Texas staring away from him. "Chihuahua, Chiapas and Coahuila miss you buddy.." he said, standing up he gave one quick goodbye to his children and left.
Now it was just Britain, America and Confederate.
"Confederate may I have a word with you?" Said Britain as he looked at Confederate, he nodded and both walked into the kitchen.
"Here is the drug, they'll be asleep for approximately two hours" said Britain, Confederate took the little bag with white pills and nodded.
"Now, who is it that you are taking?" Asked Britain once again, "the kiddos that trust me the most" said Confederate.
Delaware was outside of the kitchen listening to everything, he heard the name 'oklahoma' being said.
He rushed back to find his brothers bickering about a hat.
"Your hats mine now!" He said, "give it back asshole" said Texas.
After some more bickering, eventually Texas gave up and let him keep it. Oklahoma had a victory sort of look planted on his face as he strolled away.
"Puto..." Murmured Texas, "watch that language!" Said Rhode.
"Sorry" he quickly responded.× × ×
Outside, was a little girl, she seemed to be playing with her flowers. She laughed a bit before hearing the snow crunching behind her.
She looked over and saw her brother coming towards her, he sat down beside her, it was a few minutes of silence before he tapped her on the shoulder.
She looked over and saw him pointing at her, then made a 'thumbs up' sort of sign, she instantly got it and nodded.
"Does your throat still hurt?" He asked her, she nodded, North Carolina had been sick for some days her throat was feeling sore so she'd only make a few noises when she wants something or would simply sign.
He hummed and looked at the flowers, "you like those don't you.." he said looking at the white flowers that seemed to disappear in the snow, again she nodded smiling a bit.
She looked over at a brown bag that had been lying on the snow, she grabbed it and pulled out a flower crown, she put it on his head and went back to staring at the flowers.
"Better get inside, its reaching sundown.." he said looking at the sky. "Tex..?" She said looking at him, "yeah?" She stayed silent for a while before speaking, "do you think that..South loves me?" She said, "of course she does, honestly, she'd love you more than anyone.."
She smiled, "carry me..", Texas sighed and carried her in a sleeping child form.
When they got inside, Texas closed the door with his foot, the house was dark and quiet...too quiet..
he went into the kitchen and saw two glasses of water, North pointed to one indicating she wanted one. He put her down and each grabbed two glasses, they drank every single drop of it.
North started to feel dizzy, "Tex.. I don't feel good-"
She fell onto the others arms, "North!?" He said shaking her, he saw what looked like a big shadow behind him, as he was about to look over a cloth was suddenly put over his mouth and nose.He struggled to get the cloth off his breathing system, even more that he had his sister soon enough he had fainted.
"Stupid kids.." murmured Confederate as he carried both of them into a van, the flower crown placed on Texas's head lying on the floor..