It wasn't long before there was shouting inside of the kitchen, everyone was startled and began to listen closely, muffled arguments and screams were heard making the states startled."Who was that?" Asked Florida, he crawled over to South Carolina who was listening in, she held Florida and shakily led out a breath, normally she didn't like fights but this was something that she felt would end bad.
"Yeah, I think he knows me but I don't know him..?" Said a familiar tall figure holding a scared bunny, the white creature shivered in the older's arms.
Florida looked up and smiled widely, "She's so cute!" He said, Washington saw the bunny and smiled "She hadn't been coming out of her cage in a while"
There was a crash inside the kitchen bringing all attention back, California started getting even more worried as the time passed, "Im opening this fuckin' door" said Alaska as he reached for the handle.
Washington, alerted, tried to stop him but the door was already open, there the argument was getting heated to another level, everyone was listening now.
"I was the one that raised him for his own good!"
"For his own good? You neglect half of your kids!"
All the states heard the commotion, word after word, excuse after demand it was all a big chaos.
"You're the one who gave him up!"
"And you're the one that doesn't give a crap about them!"
"Why are they fighting?" Asked Louisiana, debating on the facial expressions she guessed an argument was taking place, she whispered into North Carolina's ear as she too was listening visibly confused.
"He's my son!"
"Mine too!, And I actually took care of him, you didn't even want him!"
"It was an accident..!"
"Plucking the eye out of a eight year old's face out of rage isn't a fucking accident!"
Almost everyone simultaneously turned to look at the tall figure holding the bunny, nobody ever took attention to it but there was always a star shining over the Texan's left eye.
He removed the big of hair covering his face and touched his eye, he never noticed it before but when reaching for his left eye he only felt a deep cut-like opening instead of the usual goey sensation of an eyeball.
The atmosphere became tense, a silence overtook the whole place, everyone froze as the two adults realized that they were being watched.
"Where's my eye.." a tiny whisper was heard, Delaware came foward but the other stepped back and ran out of the house. The door slammed shut and the tension grew bigger by the second.
The Mexican stood wobbly looking at the other forty-nine children, "Fucking god.." only tiny sobs were heard as he crouched down covering his face.
America ran a hand through his hair looking at the crying Mexican, he felt pity and guilt, "Mex I-" he started but was cut off by Delaware.
"Don't just stand there! You and Mexico need to sort things out, I'm looking for my brother."
He said grabbing his coat and going outside, most states were still discussing things. Nobody really knew what to do, everything was so confusing now.
"Im coming with you, that idiot can't be far from here.." said a rough voice, Alaska walked away through the many states huddled over at the kitchen door.