[Chapter 07]

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Morning had came and you woke up due to the sun ray hitting your face particularly. Feeling a bit nauseous, and drowsiness still lingered inside your head you massaged your temples for a while. Not long after, your alarm ringed with your usual ringtone in which you immediately turned it off.

You sat up and immediately recalled the happenings last night, after you messaged your cousin, you went downstairs to get some coffee and continued to study in your room for less than 5 hours.

So does that mean, I slept for like at 2 AM?!

Hell no-

No way..

You let out a groan and stood up. "Right.. Me having only 4 hours of sleep was true.. ridiculous..", You mumbled before stretching out your limbs and letting out a yawn.

"These exams is such a pain in the ass.."


"I gotta go, Mom! Bye!", You ran to your Mom in which she got startled when you suddenly planted a peck on her cheeks. She chuckled before a soft smile escaped her lips, "Be attentive at class, okay? You have to make me- I mean your family proud!", She said and which you returned with a nod.

You pat Copper's head first before you hurried towards the door to get your shoes. "Mom, if anything happens here, call or message me, okay? You have to stay safe and sound for me too..", You advised before bidding the last goodbye to your Mom.

You went outside and closed the door not so long after. And when you turned around, you immediately met the two so-called best friends to you- no, only Jeongwoo can be called a friend, and you gave them a small smile. "Hi Y/N-iie..", "Hello Woo..".

The other one just stayed silent and which you gladly took it as an opportunity to mock him. "Yah, why so gloomy early in the morning, Park Jihoon?", You snickered but stopped when he darted you a death glare,

your mischievous grin dropped.

If only a glare from a person can kill, then I guess I'm already in the heavens now-

Wait..am I going to heaven at this rate when cursing is one of my habits?

Your train of thoughts got cut off when Jihoon suddenly spoke. "Are we going or not?", He asked impatiently. Jeongwoo sighed, "We are going to take the bus today-"


"Oh! Great! 'cause I already miss taking bus every morning to school!!" ,You clapped your hands to Jeongwoo for having a great idea.

You and Jihoon glared at each other and which caused Jeongwoo to scratch his nape. "Uh.. why are you so shocked, Jihoon? You don't like to take the bus? If yes, then you can walk already, then you'll be drenched in sweat when you arrive at school.. am I right, Y/N?",

You nodded your head in response showing Jihoon that Jeongwoo's statement was right and if he acts like a spoiled rich kid in this state, then he can walk going to school. He only has two options though and no one would be in blame if he chose the "Walk To School" option.

Jihoon could only roll his eyes. "We can just call Mo-", Jeonwoo immediately cupped his mouth and Jihoon yanked his hands away.

"No calls for help. We would be late if we will wait for Mom or to walk. And right now, the bus is arriving. No complains and no holler."

"And plus, walking to school with Y/N by our side every morning is one of our daily routines. We can also walk her home after school.", Jeongwoo added.

Acting like the older one, even though Jihoon was way older than Jeongwoo is, Jihoon could only stay silent in situation like this. Because Jeongwoo is right after all and he has a brain for nothing.

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