[Chapter 17]

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Tossing around my bed, left to right, right to left. Any postition I made, to the point that my head was on the edge of the bed already. I'm wide awake, I wanted to rest but my head is spinning as if I'm riding rollercoaster all day.

It hurts so bad, I groaned in annoyance and slapping my head multiple of times with my plain, white pillow. "Please, let me sleep just for a fucking hour. ", I hissed when my butt landed on the floor, creating a loud thud.

"Ah, shit.", I cussed while clutching my hands on my clothed back. My room wasn't on an air-conditioned, my clothes were warm and thick enough but I felt like I've been caged into a small room, wall and floor all covered by ice.

I huffed and stood up, wanting to pee. I went inside the bathroom, feeling all of the dizziness, drowsiness, nausea on my head as I stumbled on my way to the bathroom door. "Fuck this fever. I wanted to attend school already. I miss them.", I fake cried.

My pouty face immediately changed into a poker one as I finished peeing. I sat on the edge of my soft, king sized bed. Eyes half open, yet it felt heavy to even flutter it open. I ruffled my head in frustration as I stood up again, feeling so uneasy and uncomfortable.

I let my feet to take me wherever it wants, as seconds passed, I found myself standing infront of my body sized mirror. Eyes boring into my reflection, starting from my feet that looks like it stepped into a mud, my clothes that looks so dirty and uncleaned as I wheezed.

As I slowly divert my half opened eyes into my face, I almost had screamed my lungs out in terror as I cupped my cheeks, shocked of my own reflection. "I looked like a dead corpse.", I mumbled to myself as I sighed in defeat.

"Just a day without taking a bath, yucks. The sticky feeling of my sweats, my dirty skin, and my unwashed face! Oh my gosh!", I shouted, throwing tantrums at myself.

I shook my head in disappointment as I turned around, facing my back to my mirror and saw something on top of my cabinet. "Oh? Did Hyung left it here? Purposely or he forgot to bring this? No wonder why he didn't picked up my calls.", I ranted as I hastily took my legs there.

It was Jihoon-hyung's phone.

But it's bad to invade his personal belonging without his permission. His privacy is at stake.

I frowned at the thought of seeing Jihoon-hyung's angry face once he'd know that I opened up his phone without him knowing. I bit my bottom lip, there's something that's telling me to open it.

I grabbed the device as I sat on my bed, legs are both crossed, hands are on the phone, that's hesitating to turn the gadget on. My hands reached the power button, fiddling my fingers together. "Aish. This is wrong. ", I clicked my tongue.

"But there's something in this phone, that's telling me to open it."

This is wrong. Completely wrong. All this persuasive instincts that's lingering in my head, is bad. "It's now or never. I apologize in advance my, beloved older brother.", And with that, without any hesitations, I turned the phone on, pressing on the power button.

And there I finally saw, the something, the reason why I'm so motivated to open this phone. I let out a snort, Now I know, why Jihoon-hyung always put a smile everytime he open up his phone. I continued to laugh.

It was you, your picture on the lockscreen. A stolen shot, may I correct. "Woah, I didn't know, Jihoon-hyung had the guts to take a candid photo of Y/N when we're on the ferris wheel.", I said to myself.

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