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I watched its process of sending until it had delivered. Dropping my phone on my bed I made my way down stairs to the kitchen. Grabbing the home phone, I speed dialed Pizza Hut and ordered dinner.

"Hi Alana, its Milan," I spoke into the receiver. It was Wednesday so I knew Alana was working the phone from 4:30 to 9:00 and that Lance would be doing delivery in our neighbor hood from 5:00 to 8:00.

"Hey Milan, so the usual for you and Hunter?" She asked already knowing the answer.


"Okay, Lance will be dropping it off in 15 minutes."

"Ugh I'm hungry. Tell him to speed to make it in 10," I laughed.

"Fine your majesty," she joked before the line went dead.

Alana, Lance, and my two friends from school, Jordan and River, were my only friends really. But I never hung out with them all together. Jordan and River I only saw at school, and Alana, well we meet up at random places sometimes, and Lance always cruised a little extra when he delivered us pizza every Wednesday.

Hanging the phone up, I grabbed two mason jars from the cabinet and filled them with ice and lemonade from the fridge. I grabbed two napkins as well then put everything neatly on our wooden coffee table in front of the television on the carpet. Sitting on the couch I pressed the power button on the remote and opened up Netflix.

"Hunter! Dinners going to be here in five!" I yelled to nowhere in particular, he could be anywhere really.

"Is it Wednesday?" He yelled back, clearly in the basement which we transformed into our secret hideout/hangout that my mother doesn't know of.

"Yes it is stupid boy, what do they teach you at school?" As I finished saying that the doorbell rang.

"Wait no I'll open it for Lance!" He screamed running to the living room.

"Okay I'm going to get my phone, make sure he doesn't eat any!" I told him remembering last week. Arriving to my room, I grabbed my phone off my bed and left running at full speed downstairs just to be safe, I need my pepperoni pizza.


"Good evening Lance," I said jokingly.

"Your total is $10.25, and I'll be expecting a tip because I got your pizza here in 9 minutes," he told me.

"Fine there's stuff in the fridge you dirtbag," I huffed because I'm not giving him money on my own free will.

"Mimi, it's my turn to pick a movie tonight," hunter reminded me.

"Okay, but hurry up so we can eat!" I exclaimed just as Lance returned with a root beer and bag of pop corn.

"Since I made popcorn, I can stay for a little bit of the movie at least, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure," I answered right as hunter clicked play on a movie. I laughed slightly to my self when I realized what movie it was, E.T.

"Be quite guys, it's starting," my little brother shushed us even though we weren't talking. We sat on the couch with me on the middle and Lance and hunter on each side eating pizza and popcorn. About 10 minutes later Lance stood up and left with a wink in my direction so he wouldn't get yelled at by his boss. We were half way through the movie when my phone buzzed and had a text from an unknown number.

I could ask the same to you.

// They texted back , yay! Lance + Milan? lol comment your opinion

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