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He didn't answer back immediately but I wasn't worried, it's not like he lives on his phone? I wonder though what he does do on his free time.
I had gotten home about two hours ago and thankfully dodged Grace. Alanna was going to be here in 20 minutes, we were having a girls night, and Hunter was sleeping over at a friends house so it was good. Looking in the mirror, I was dressed in my same jeans from earlier except I had changed into a maroon sweater now. I made my way down stairs and grabbed a small bag of flaming hot Cheetos from the cabinet and my purse from the mud room before locking up the house and snacking on my chips on the porch.
Soon enough a baby blue convertible rolled up to the house blasting Arctic Monkeys.

"Get in loser!" Alanna screamed to me.

Laughing to myself, I ran to her ride and hopped in, literally.

"Next stop, the mall!" We squealed together.

We arrived and parked the car before heading in to the nearest department store, Forever 21. After looking around for a little, Alanna had grabbed a skirt and nail polish and I was holding on to a set of rings and a sweater.

"Ready to move on?" I ask her after we check out.

"Yup," she responds before dragging me into the Mac.

"Does this shade look good one me," she wonders.

"Of course girl but the other one you were looking at doesn't," what, I had to be honest!

"Okay thanks, you getting anything?" She wonders walking towards the front desk.

"Yeah I think I'll get this mascara, I was reading the labels and its a healthy one, like it doesn't have unwanted chemicals and -"

"Okay Mimi, get the mascara that's good for your eyelashes," she said sarcastically.

And on we shopped heading to super expensive places like Gucci and Louis Vuitton because we like to pretend were rich and walk around with the bags then piss off the men in suits at the doors, then to Pac Sun where we buy most of our Brandy Melville clothing. Finally, after a couple hours we stopped to eat at In n Out around 7:30.

"So, you remember Noah, yeah, the boy from my French class?" When I nodded she continued, "well he asked me out for next Friday night and I need your help with my outfit."

"Ah Alanna! You guys are going to be so cute together, wait he IS the one with the super blonde hair yes?" Seeing that she nodded, I squealed. However my phone broke through our happy dance and vanilla milkshakes.

From: Tom
Sorry getting back to ya so late, wyd

"Who is it?" Alanna asked half caring and half not as she finished off her burger.

"This boy that I started texting, he lives in San Diego," I replied shrugging as I stated typing back.

"Wait as in the city in California, how does that even work, how did you get his number, jeez you always one up me when it comes to guys," she finishes with a huff.

I just laugh to her before as I respond to Tom.

To: Tom
Just cruising at the mall eating In n Out. Hbu

From: Tom
Sounds good, I'm just chilling in bed.

"So what's this mystery boys name," Alanna asks, more info it now.



Quickly I show her him.

"Yup definitely always one upping me," she concludes before standing up to throw away her trash.

To: Tom
How was your day?

From: Tom
It was good, school, skating, eating

To: Tom
Like skateboarding?

From: Tom

To: Tom
That's cool, you any good?

From: Tom
I'm not too shabby

To: Tom
I bet ur like secretly a pro but just acting like ur not

From: Tom

To: Tom

From: Tom
Nvm...u skate?

To: Tom
I can drop into a bowl, does that count:)

From: Tom
Of course love ;)

To: Tom
Hey I gotta go but I'll text u later bye <3

From: Tom
Bye Milan

I turned off my phone just as Alanna came back.

"Okay so I just checked the movie theatre schedule and if we hurry we can catch something that is starting at 8:10 pm," she informed me.

"Cool what is it?"

"I don't really know, I just saw the time and personally just want popcorn."

"Of course, lets go to the movies to watch a movie that we have no fricking idea of what's it about," I said sarcastically.

"That's the spirit," she smiled before skipping away, leaving me to catch up.

//lol , if youʻre like Alanna and Milan and go to the movies just to popcorn then comment!

Okay so i have great ideas for this story but idk how to write them out so its going to take some time n stuff but I will get there eventually so please don't give up on me! This might go a little down hill and away from Tom :( for a little but it has to be that way so Milan can end up in his arms in the end, i promise it will get better...lol that was tmi. oh well ;) hope you guys are having a great week so far, 16 days ʻtill Christmas! 

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