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"Mr. Grafter!" Mr. Sig hollered, stopping class to slap his yard stick on Alec's desk. His head shot up immediately from where he'd been sleeping on his desk. I don't blame him Mr. Sig's class is boring as hell and it's still the am.

"Yes sir," Alec replied as Mr. Sig started walking to the front of the room again. Looking back at his friend Jed, he rolled his eyes before turning to me and winking which made me roll my eyes. This caused the class to break out in laughter, pissing off Mr. Sig further more because he was just opening his mouth to speak.

"As I was saying!" He roared making us shut up, "we will now be watch a tutorial I made on the lesson from last class that we struggled to grasp. Well not me, only you students. There will be no sleeping while I turn off the lights. Understood?" He asked eyeing Alec.

"It's okay sir, I have my coffee now," Alec assured him holding up a Starbucks cup that looking a lot like my unfinished one from earlier. Glancing to my bag on the floor, I realized it wasn't there anymore. So I sent Alec, who was sitting across the aisle from me smirking while sucking the straw, my middle finger. He did a dramatic gasp before my attention was drawn to my phone buzzing in my back pocket as the tutorial began. Turing my brightness all the way down I opened up the message.

From: Tom
Hey, hope u didn't forget about me

Smiling to myself I typed back.

To: Tom
And live with my self? How could I?

From: Tom
lol wyd

To: Tom
Well it's almost 11:00 here so I'm in the most boring math class of life, hbu

From: Tom
School just started for me too so I'm in English

To: Tom
I like English much better than math so ur lucky

From: Tom
Yea me too, but mostly cause my teachers awesome

To: Tom
I get that

From: Tom
Yup, hey I need a contact pic for u

To: Tom
Oh yeah same here

From: Tom
Yeah just a sec

I huffed, I didn't have many selfies and the one or two I did have we're not good for a first impression, I mean what if this guy was hot? Remembering that Alanna had posted a picture of me on her Instagram last week when we got dip n' dots I screenshotted it and cropped it before sending it to him as I got a message from him too.

To: Tom

From: Tom

Opening his picture I died. Damn he was attractive.

"Who's that Milan," a byotch named Jessica snooped over my shoulder.

"None of ur business," I replied not actually caring as I saved his picture to his contact.

From: Tom
Wow ur beautiful

To: Tom
Looks who's talking hottie, if I had known u were so attractive I would've been much nicer to u

From: Tom
ik, I'm kinda hot ;)

To: Tom
I can't argue with u there

From: Tom
Ya that would be lying, I'm kidding I'm not a self conceited loser

To: Tom
Good cause I hate those people

From: Tom
Me too *air five*

To: Tom
*finished air five* ok no more of those it's weird

From: Tom
Ya but when we meet we'll do an actual high five

To: Tom
Deal, well I got go or else I'll get in trouble, ttyl Tom

From: Tom
K Milan u hottie;)

I laughed at him just as Mr. Sig walked by.

"One hour, Ms. Drew, I expected better," Mr. Sig sighed giving me detention as the bell rang, "you too Mr. Grafter, you can't sleep your way from sophomore year."

// I linked the pictures they sent each other on the side :)

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