Meeting the Squad

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I was woken up by the sound of my alarm. So I decide to get up and start getting ready I had a shower last night so I didn't need one this morning. I went into the bath room and set up my camera to do a time laps of me getting ready and started doing my hair I decided to do my makeup first which doesn't take me that long because I was only doing minimal makeup. Once done with my makeup I had decided to do my hair straight (with straightens) Shane comes in to the bathroom vlogging.

Shane's vlog:

Shane: GUYS!! Today is such an exciting day not only because I got a new addition to the squad.... my cookie jar lama *insert picture of lama in vlog*. But we also have another new addition to the squad (Shane flips his camera around to my direction while I am curling my hair in the bathroom) who's flew all the way in from Colorado (if that's how u spell it 😂)

Y/N: *singing with the straighteners* Colorado.

Shane and I both laugh

Shane: I so wanted you to burn your mouth on that. Yes! It's Y/N, you guys remember her. She's been my best friend for years. Are you eating ? (Shane looks at you)

Y/N: I have to take my vitamins. They taste like candy do you want some? I brought extra.

Shane: She brings food everywhere she goes, this is why I love her! *shane says getting super close to the camera*. She also loves ghosts!

We both laugh and then Shane walks out and carry's on filming.

Shane: ah yes so Y/N is here and I told her I wanted to do some type of video. But she has no idea that Garrett's coming over with a huge surprise for her! I told Garrett that she loves ghost hunting and she's down for anything, so he said he's gonna plan something that will scare the sh*t out of all of us! It's gonna be a lot of fun.

Back to Shane's vlog:

Shane: Come innnnn!

Garrett: comet int

Shane: We can finally show our camera man!

Garrett Shane and Andrew laugh.

Garrett: I brought coffee!

Morgan ran over and grabbed some coffee while I stayed and played with Tyler.

Shane: That's so sweet. But did you notice something in the room?

Garrett: Smells bad?

Shane: No that's just you

Everyone laughs

Garrett: That is actually me!

Shane: Maybe behind you.

Garret: Tyler! *everyone laughs* no I'm just kidding. Y/N how are you? holy smokes it's good to meet you.

Me and Garrett hug.

Y/N: Ino finally I meet you!

Shane: So you guys have never met, and you guys are the nearly the same person! You are both goofy, you both like food...

Morgan: Are you saying she smells bad?

Everyone laughed.

Then I see a fairly tall, ginger guy who is so hot! He comes over to me and says,

Andrew: Hey nice to meet you I'm Andrew

Y/N: Hey nice to meet you too I'm Y/N

We smile at each other and then hug. He smelt so good and his hugs were the kind that you never want them to end!

Shane turns the camera off so everyone can get to know me in a more personal way.

Shane introduces me to the squad: so guys this is Y/N Y/L/N the queen of youtube she's the new member of our squad!

Morgan: omg she is the actual queen of youtube I watch you all the time!

Y/N: omg thanks Morgan we will have to collab sometime. I actually have a dancing video I need to put up and I need someone in it. Like to teach if you're up for it?

Garrett: you dance?

Shane: Yeah look. (Shane pulls up a video of me dancing)

Garrett: you are super hot!..

Andrew interrupted: I agree

I blush at Andrews comment.

Y/N: thank you

Garrett continued: If I wasn't gay...

Ryland: Shes 18!

Garrett: So? That's legal.

Everyone laughed

Y/N: thank you Garrett *slightly chuckling*

Shane handed the camera to Andrew and the rest of us sat on the couch.

Hope you guys are liking the story so far.

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