Planning a surprise for Andrew

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Andrew walked in and as if on que Ryland called Shane. So Shane left me and Andrew alone in the room. I had so many thoughts and feelings rushing around inside of me.

I started to unpack a few things like my camera and stuff so the atmosphere was a little less awkward. As I started to pull my stuff out the bag I heard a loud bang from in front of me my automatic response was to run to Andrew. I grabbed him in a tight hug my eyes began to tear up.

Andrew wrapped his arms around me as I began shaking in his arms. I looked up at him, his perfect hair and eyes and that amazing smile. We both just stood there looking at each other. No words. No awkward atmosphere. Just calm and comfort.

Shane and the rest of the squad burst in and broke mine and Andrews gaze. Me and Andrew both blushed. Everyone just started at us. Garret decided to add to the awkward and began to reverse out the door saying " sorry for interrupting your couple time" everyone laughed expect me and Andrew who became even more red.

Andrew decided to break the attention away from me and him.

Andrew: "so Shane check out these artsy shots I took before."

Y/N: "Casey would be shook!"

Everyone laughed.

I couldn't help but think about Andrew, I really don't want him to every leave my side.

———time skip to later that day———

I haven't spoke to Andrew since what happened in the room. The squad was about to go exploring so I grabbed my camera and Shane grabbed his, and passed it to Andrew, as we walked down the corridor.

Your vlog: "so we are about to start exploring! I am so excited. (I flip the camera to Andrew who is standing right next to me) Andrew are you excited?"

Andrew: "To be honest, this whole thing is new to me so I'm a little anxious but I'm ready for it"

I couldn't help but stare and cling on to every word he said.

After talking with Andrew on camera for a couple of minutes I ran up to Shane and we did a little segment for my vlog. I then turned my camera off and edited it so I could upload it. After I had scheduled it to upload Shane wanted to talk to me, Morgan and Garret. Ryland was distracting Andrew.

——————The conversation—————
Shane: So Guys, after I've done the Queen Mary series I want to do a surprise video for Andrew as everyone has had a Shane surprise apart from him.

Y/N: that's a great idea. Have you thought about what you want to do?

Garrett: we should set him up on a date!

Y/N: Garrett! That's not a surprise.

Morgan: I agree with Garrett!

I looked at Shane with a puzzled look on my face. That's the first time Morgan has said anything today while I've be around.

Y/N: I kinda wanted to surprise him aswell because it's his birthday tomorrow. I've brought him something.

Everyone looked shocked that I knew his birthday. Shane and Morgan didn't know his birthday was tomorrow. Morgan had a jealous face when Garrett came over to me all excited. I just brushed it off.

Garrett: what'd you get him?

Y/N: that new camera he's wanted for ages!

I take the camera out of my bag to show Garrett.

Garrett: he's gonna be so happy!

Y/N: hopefully.

After me and Garrett had spoke about Andrews birthday Shane carried on talking about the video. Shane decided he was going to set Andrew up on a date with some girl called Meghan who was a YouTube friend of Shanes. When he said that my heart broke, but all I could do was sit there and act like it didn't bother me.

Shane finished explaining how his video was going to be set out and I just got up and walked back to the room. Andrew and Ryland where sitting on the couch talking as I walked in to our hotel suit. Andrew saw I was upset as Ryland was on his phone.

Andrew: hey Y/N. What's wrong?

Y/N: nothing I'm fine just not feeling well. (Putting on a fake smile that faded quickly) I'm just gonna go to bed.

Andrew: Okay, if you need anything just shout me.

Y/N: thank you.

I walked into the room closed the door and slid down it. Put my head in between my knees and started to cry. I cried for a couple of minutes and then dragged myself to be and just lay there until I feel asleep.

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