The Start of the Trip

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Andrew starts recording...

Shane: Okay squad!

We all laugh in unison

Ryland: new addition to the squad *looks at Y/N*

Shane: welcome to the squad! Watch out for our cum stains on the couch.

Me and Morgan laugh.

Y/N: I've never had a squad haha.

Ryland: Neither have we hahah. (I'm gonna our haha when people laugh)

Shane: Garrett!

Garrett comes in with Tyler pretending to drink coffee.

Ryland: Garrett I told you he can't have coffee!

Garrett ignores Ryland: Andrew is this going to be confusing for you do you know which one is me because look.

Garrett makes the baby drink coffee, everyone laughs.

Garrett: Did he warn you about the cum stains!

Y/N: yeahh

Then Shane started talking about Morgan being a surrogate.

****Skip to after the surrogate talk****

Garrett: we are going to be going to the most haunted ghost ship, arguably in the world! Called Queen Mary built in 1936

Shane starts making weird noises

Garrett: wait! Do you know about this?

Morgan: What happened to Queen Mary?

Shane: Queen Shane took her spot!

Everyone laughed.

Skip to after the talk about how haunted the Queen Mary is.

Y/N: well this is great for a vlog!

Shane: me when I care about my channel. Omg who's gonna mind my animals you didn't say we was staying over night!

Ryland: You could ask your mum?

Y/N: Omg yes let's go see your Mum!

Shane looked at Andrew and they both laughed. Shane text his Mum to see if she could mine the pets.

Skip again while Garrett explains what is expected at the Queen Mary.

Shane said looking at Y/N.

Y/N: Are we bringing snacks ?

Everyone looked at me and laughed.

Garrett: You're me, omg you're me.

Shane: alright let's go get murdered hahaha

We all continued to talk about the Queen Mary as Andrew put the camera down and say with us. Garret got his backpack out and showed us what he's brought for the trip.

Ryland: Your Mum said she will have the pets. (Ryland hands Shane Cheeto)

Shane: okay everyone we have to go! The ship is waiting.

Y/N: Question... what car are we taking?
Looking at Ryland hoping he will say the new G.

Ryland: the G

Y/N: thank god! Hahaha

Shane: Omg Y/N! You should surprise my mum she hasn't seen you in years.

Y/N: Yes! I mean i don't want her to hate me so nothing too horrible haha.

Shane: I have an idea! You could play her the song you made for her.

Y/N: That's a great idea!

The boys put all the singing equipment I will need to surprise Teresa in the car. While we was in the car, I sat next to Andrew. The feeling of our legs touching in the car sent shiver through my whole body. He is so cute and such a nice guy, I never met anyone like him. His super cute laugh and his amazing smile. Ahhhh!

My Love - Andrew Siwicki x Reader Where stories live. Discover now