Picture Perfect

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Everyone gathered around the door as we heard a knock. I opened it, while Shane and Andrew sorted out the camera.

Y/N: hiiii (in a cute little baby voice. I looked at the Mum) hey nice to meet you, I'm Y/N. Come in

Everyone introduced themselves.

I stood next to Andrew while he filmed Shane and Ryland meeting the baby.

The baby's Mum: hey nice to meet you. This is Adrix (she made the baby wave. We all said Awww)

Shane: hey Adrix ( Shane looked at the Mum) how do I say hi to a baby? Do I shake his hand or? (We all laughed)

She put Adrix on the floor and he crawled over to me. He put his hands on my legs so he could stand up. I grabbed his hands and helped him stand.

His mum (I can't remember her name): Wow he likes you. He's never like that normally he cry's. (I smile. I pick up Adrix and swing him around (not aggressively))

Shane takes the camera off Andrew so he can have a talk with the Mum first. So me, Garrett, Andrew and Adrix are in the living room. While Shane, Adrix's Mum and Ryland are in the kitchen.

Im sat next to Andrew while Garrett is facing us I'm holding Adrix and he keeps staring at Andrew.

Garrett: you guys are so cute!

Me and Andrew: (laughing) Thanks Garret!

Y/N: Garrett can you take a picture of us?

Andrew: am I in the back ?

Y/N: your getting in the photo. So come on!

Me and Andrew got a picture with Adrix and we looked like family goals. After the picture I gave Adrix to Andrew. The way he was with him made me fall inlove more.

(I'm gonna try my best to edit a pic of them two with the baby... didn't happen)

Shane came back in and we played with Adrix for a while before deciding to go to the park.

My Love - Andrew Siwicki x Reader Where stories live. Discover now