Andrew's P.O.V

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This chapter is going to be from Andrews P.O.V

I can't believe Y/N has just told me that she might be inlove with me. I'm so happy she said it but I'm also upset that she doesn't think I'm different to other guys. I've liked her ever since I met her I just couldn't tell anyone because I didn't know how she felt and didn't wanna be embarrassed in front of everyone. I don't want her to go. I need to do something!

I ran downstairs to find Shane.

Andrew: Shane!

Shane: I'm in the office.

Andrew goes into the office then closes the door behind him.

Andrew: Shane Y/N just told me how she feels about me and I really need to show her I feel the same. I need help.

Shane: Finally! What do you need.

Andrew: I need to do something to show her I want her to stay and that I have feelings for her.

Shane: Well if you think of some ideas then I'll help.

Andrew then left the office and started to think of ways he could show Y/N. He thought about surprising her like Shane did with him. He ran back into the office to tell Shane his idea.

Andrew: Shane can we do the same thing you did with Megan Batoon but make Y/N be blindfolded.

Shane: yes! New video?

Andrew: Sure (laughing)

Andrew and Shane planned the rest of the day because they wanted to do this tomorrow.

Andrew got Garrett to keep Y/N busy all of today and tomorrow until they was ready to surprise her.

My Love - Andrew Siwicki x Reader Where stories live. Discover now