The Happy Couple

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Shane came down stairs screaming with excitement. I slowly began to wake up with Andrews arms wrapped around me. I turned to face him.

Y/N: (i shook him gently) Andrew wake up.

Andrew started to wake up. As is eyes came in contact with mine he smiled. I blushed.

Andrew: Now this is a good morning! ( I laugh at how cute he is).

Shane, Garrett and Ryland join me and Andrew on the couch.

Shane: So guys today I have a really exciting thing happening. I may have a baby coming to this house and it might be real. (The mention of a baby made me excited, I love babies.)

Y/N: omg! Really a real baby.

Andrew: you're so cute! (I smile at Andrew)

Shane: yeah it's to see if me and Ryland are going to be good dads.

Y/N: of course you guys will be good dads!

They both smile at each other then me.

Shane: the baby will be here in 2 hours so everyone needs to be ready by then.

Everyone broke apart to get ready.

Y/N: Andrew are you going to get changed here? You can borrow my shower if you like.

Andrew: Erm yeah sure. Thanks

Andrew and I went to my room I got in the shower first. When I got out I put my get ready robe on ( a robe I wear to do my hair and makeup) and leave the bathroom.

Y/N: Showers free!

Andrew: Thanks, Erm I'll see you in a bit (Andrew was so adorable he was feeling really awkward)

While Andrew was in the shower I did my makeup and my hair. (I'll insert a pic)

After me and Andrew where both ready we just chilled in my room for half an hour talk

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After me and Andrew where both ready we just chilled in my room for half an hour talk.

Andrew: (awkwardly) so, I enjoyed last night. Tbh I enjoy every moment I'm with you.

Y/N: (blushing) I enjoyed it too. And I enjoy every moment too.

We both smile. It went quite again.

Andrew: look Y/N, I waited too long last time and it went wrong. So I'm just going to come out and say it.

Y/N: Say what ?

Andrew: will you go out with me? I wanted to make that big romantic thing but I just couldn't wait any longer to ask you. I mean we haven't known each other that long but it feels like I've known you all my life. (Andrew continued to ramble, I'm guessing he was just really nervous)

I cut Andrew off by kissing him. After the kiss broke I said

Y/N: of course I will you idiot ( we smiled at each other. Our foreheads still touching. We kissed again).

I was so happy. And I could tell Andrew was too. We didn't know how to tell the guys. But we needed to tell them before today started, because I don't want to hide our relationship.

————Skip to half an hour later————

Me and Andrew had decided to just sit the guys down and tell them. It was the easiest way.

Andrew and I walked down stairs.

Y/N: Guys can you all come to the living room! I have news.

Everyone ran to the living room practically jumping on the couch. Andrew stood next to me.

Y/N: So. (Andrew grabbed my hand as if on que, I look at him and smiled)

The boys squealed.

Garrett: are you guys together !!(Garrett said excitedly)

Andrew: Yeah! (With the biggest smile on his face)

Ryland: I'm living!

Shane: Finally!

Me and Andrew looked at each other we worried for nothing of course the guys would be okay with it.

Garrett: Shane someone's in the drive way.

Shane: it's probably the baby!

I screamed with excitement.

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