A drunk Y/N

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Andrew and Garrett had just got to the club. Adam had closed the bar so it was only him and Y/N inside. Garret and Andrew ran down the stairs to see a drunk Y/N slouched in her chair.

Andrew: Why is she this bad! I didn't expect her to be so drunk that she couldn't sit up.

Andrew ran over and picked Y/N up.

Adam: Which one of you is Garrett?

Andrew: That's Garrett ( he says pointing to Garrett) and I'm Andrew.

Adam: Nice to meet you I'm Adam. Garret, can I talk to you a minute?

Garrett: Yeah sure. Andrew take Y/N to the car ?

Andrew: Alright don't be too long.

Garrett: So what's up dude?

Adam: I know it's not my place to give you advice or anything, but Y/N seems like a sweet girl so please just keep your eye on her. She's not as happy as she makes out.

Garrett: What do you mean?

Adam: She was talking about getting a flight back home. And that you guys would be better off without her.

Garrett: I'll keep an eye on her. Thanks for looking out for her.

Adam handed a piece of paper to Garrett.

Adam: Couldn't you give that to her when she able to function ( they both laughed)

Garrett: Sure!

Garrett then left the club and walked back up to the car. Andrew was in the drivers seat, Y/N in the back with Andrews jacket over her. She was half asleep. Garrett got back in the car and they drove back to Shane's.

When we reached Shane's house, Andrew went to help Y/N out of the car.

Y/N: Get off me! Shouldn't you be with Megan. (Andrew was shocked)

Garrett: Ignore her. She's drunk.

I pushed myself out of Andrews grip which made me fall on the fall and cut my leg open. I just sat on the floor crying. Garrett picked me up while Andrew went to open the door. I just cried into Garrett's chest.

Shane and Ryland had waited up for me and the boys to get back. As Shane saw me coming to the door he jumped up and open the door. Garrett put me on the couch.

Shane: Woah she really is in a bad way.

Garrett: You haven't heard it all yet.

Garrett repeats his conversation with Adam so that Shane, Ryland and Andrew know what happened.

Garrett: I'm gonna stay with her tonight if that okay with you Shane.

Shane: Yeah of course!

So Garrett walks over to Y/N picks her up off the couch and takes her to her room. Shane follows them with a bottle of water and a paracetamol.

After taking the paracetamol and having some water Y/N began to be more like herself.

Garrett: Are you okay?

Y/N: I just need to sleep.

Y/N then lay down on her bed and fell asleep. All she could think about was Andrews date with Megan. How did it go? Do they like each other? Is there a second date?

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