Chapter 4

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Hyunsuk; 12 year old
Jihoon; 11 year old

Hyunsuk's pov;-

"Do you want some? hm?"

"No it's okay just eat your food Hoonie" I said.

We at convenience store to eat a cup of ramen since we can go out when break time at school.

"Hyunie, do you want to skip the class? I want to take you somewhere"

"No, not again Hoonie, we already skip class yesterday" I said.

"Hyunie please~~" Jihoon whined to me.


"Please Hyunie hyung~~ this is the last, we won't do that anymore. Please Hyunie~ just this once okay? I promise" He said.

But who I'm to refuse when he whined like that then makes puppy eyes to me.

'He really know how to make my heart flutters' I said but only in my heart.


Story Time~

We are childhood friends and hangout together almost everytime and every minute.

Sometimes I stayed at his home and sometimes he stayed at my home, our parents are friends since highschool so that is how we are know each other for a long times. We both doesn't thinking about having a girlfriend or else.

I've been crush on Jihoon almost since we in kindergarten. We attended the same school until we were in the middle school.

Actually he also have a crush on me but not too long as I'm.

To be honest we just being in like our own world. Until we didn't realised we already falling to each other even more and more deeper.

Somehow we confessed to each other in the end of primary school and was about to started the middle school that time.

We accepted our feelings and decided to dating each other without our parents knowing.

We started our middle school as a boyfriends but we keep a scecret that we're a couple in the school and acted like we don't know each other but outside school we are.

Story End~


Hyunsuk's Pov;-

"Just tell me where are we going Hoonie"

"No, not yet, you'll find it out later"


"Why we're at amusement park?" I asked.

"You ask me why? Of course we're going to have fun"

"Really!? Can we ride it!? Are we really going to ride it!?" I asked him again in excited because I always want to go here,, I didn't expect him to brought me here today.

"Of course dear, isn't you're the one who said wanted to go here so bad? hm?" He caressed my cheeks softly make me wanted him to touch me more.

"Thankyou Hoonie, you really know me. I'm really grateful for falling in love with you, you're the best. I love you." I said while snuggled my face on his hand and pecked a kiss on his lips.

I thought that is enough for him but seems like that was not enough.

He grabbed my hand, he took me to a quite place,, he cupped my face and kissed my lips.

His hand on my nape and pulled me closer to make our kiss deeper. He sucked my lips and slipped his tongue inside my mouth.

I can feel my mouth are melt. He pulled out when I'm out of my breath.

My lips are swollen.

"You. Such a pervert" I said while glared at him.

"Yes I'm. But I'm only pervert at my boyfriend" He whispered the last sentence at my ear and smirked.

That's really make me shivering.


Continue chapter 5>>

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