Chapter 6

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Jihoon's Pov;-

We arrived at hospital, Hyunsuk was bring to ICU Room. I scare,, I'm really scare right now.

I called Hyunsuk's parents and then his little brother, then I also called my parents. I told them Hyunsuk got an accident. The were very shocked and rushed to the hospital as soon as they got the new about Hyunsuk.

I saw them run into me in hospital. Hyunsuk's parents and his little brother faces look really worried and my parent also looks worried.

"Jihoon h-how did it happen?" Mrs. Choi asked me while grabbing my hands and I could feel Mrs. Choi hands were shaking.

"M-mrs.Choi I'm sorry,, I couldn't protect Hyunsuk hyung.." I cried again but Mrs.Choi hold my head and she placed it on her shoulder,, it's make me cry even more harder on Mrs.Choi shoulder.

"It's okay honey, you're done your best to protect him,, I know you hoon" Mrs.Choi words make me calm down a bit.

The doctor who treat Hyunsuk in ICU Room came out.

"Don't worry he is safe but.. his head was injured very badly and he will most likely lose his memory" doctor said.

"W-what!?" Mrs.Choi shocked.

But I think I'm the most shocked because he is the reason why I life now,, I don't want to let go of him,, I don't want to lose him,, we already made a promise one day we'll tell our parents about our relationship,, he can't do this to me,, he can't leave me alone like this.

I'm so mad at myself 'cause not being able to protect him. I feels like I want to die.

1 week later..

I'm visited Hyunsuk at hospital and yes Hyunsuk is at normal room now not in the ICU Room anymore.

As always there's Mrs.Choi who taking care of Hyunsuk but Mr.Choi not there 'cause of his work. I greeted Mrs.Choi and bow at her. Today I'm going to tell Hyunsuk's mom about our relationship.

"Mrs.Choi. I.. I want to tell you something"

"Yes Jihoon? About what?"

"About.. about Hyunsuk and I" I'm really nervous to tell about this to her.

"Okay.. sit down first Hoon" Mrs.Choi tap at space beside her to tell me to sit down beside her.

I sat down. "What is it Hoon? Hm?"

"I... I.. I and Hyunsuk are.." Before I could finish my sentences Mrs.Choi cut my sentence.

"Boyfriends? hm?" She smiled but I'm shocked with Mrs.Choi statement. How did she know?

"I'm sorry but h-how did you know?" I said.

"Hoon.." she hold my hands.

"You know what,, I know my son veerrryyy well, I could tell by his eyes Hoon.. when his eyes looked at you.. it's not like he's looking at you as his friend.. he's looking at you in veerrryy different way, the different ways is.. he looked at you like you're everything and precious to him" she smiled at me.

"But are you not mad?" I asked.

"Why would I have to mad when you're his happiness,, I just want my son happy that's all,, but Hoon.. I think you should lock the door when you kiss him" she smirked at me.

I'm confused.

Then I remember I kiss Hyunsuk at his house once but.. I didn't know the door was not locked.

"D-did you saw it?" I'm embarrassed, I looked at my lap to hide my face,, I can tell my face red like tomato right now.

"Hehehe" she laughed a little as she saw my face red.

1 days later..

I and Mrs.Choi were shocked because Hyunsuk fingers are start moving. We called a doctor he was okay but not fully yet just let him rest and don't stress him so much.

"Hyunsuk my dear son it's me your mom.. did you recognise me?" Mrs.Choi said to Hyunsuk.


My tears coming down so fast as soon as I heard his voice. I miss his voice,, I miss him.

"Hyunie.. I'm Jihoon, your Hoonie,, did you remember me?" I said.

"J-jihoon? m-mom who?" He looked at my face, he furrowed and he looked at his mom.

My heart hurts so much, I feels like the world stop. I bit my lips until I can test a blood.

"Hyunsuk.. you didn't know him? Sukkie try to remember him.. he was your bestfriend and also your-" I cut Mrs.Choi words.

"I-it's okay i-if you don't r-remember it" My voice are shaking, I looked at Mrs.Choi and shakes my head as I say 'No don't tell him'.

Mrs.Choi faces look sad. I run towards the door and I'm going straight to emergency stairs. I locked the door and flopped to the floor.

I hide my face between my knees. I cried again.. I cried harder than before. I screamed because I couldn't handled it anymore.

I gripped my chest as my heart hurts so much. I cried until I'm out of my breath,, Now I really feels like I want to die in this world.

My eyes swollen,, my chest hurts,, my throat hurts,, I feels like I don't have any energy to cry,, I just still cried a little and sniffling nonstop.

I hope there's no one heard me at emergency stairs.

Continue chapter 7>>

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