Chapter 5

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•~I'm going to continue about flashbacks in the previous chapter. enjoy it.

Flashback continues:-

Jihoon's Pov;-

The sky is about to turn darker,, means it's already night. They're about to leave the amusement park.

As soon as we walked out from amusement park I saw a headband shop.

"Hyung wait here,, I'm gonna go somewhere real quick, just wait me here and don't go anywhere okay Hyunie? I gave him an advice 'cause you know he is so short and cute I'm worried he will be lost somewhere even though he is older than me.

"Okay" Hyunsuk took a sat at wood bench and waited for Jihoon came back at him.

I go to the headband shop but still take a glance at Hyunsuk even from a far. I'm worried, I'm really worried to left Hyunsuk that time.

But however I'm still wanna go 'cause I want to give him a surprise.

Hyunsuk's Pov;-

Something caught my eyes. Candy shop. There is also cotton candy in that shop. I suddenly craving to eat cotton candy so.. I went to the shop.

"It's okay right if I go real quick? Jihoon not mad right? I hope he didn't get mad at me" I mumbled before I got up and decided to go realll quick.

The shop is on the other side of the street so I have to cross the road,, I'm waiting for traffic light turn into green light.

But I saw a cat walked straight to the road but there's so many cars that cat will be get hit by cars.

I follow the cat to catch its up. In my mind just have about to safe the cat without thinking about cars coming into me.

"H-hey where are you going!" I just heard some random guy shout but it's too late.

A car crashed into me.


Jihoon's Pov;-

I enter the shop and I found a lot of cute headband but one bear headband catch my eyes.

"This will be cute for Hyunie" I said excitedly and going to the counter to pay it.

I'm done paying and suddenly I heard some noises it's like a crashing car. My heart aches so suddenly and I'm start to worried about Hyunsuk hyung.

I went to the bench where Hyunsuk hyung sat.

"He's not here.." I'm started to nervous and I went to the crowd where is have a crash car.

My heart dropped,, my tears came out nonstop. I saw so much blood.

"H-hyunie!!" I saw Hyunsuk laying down at the road,, his head covered up with his bloods. The bloods coming nonstop.

I grabbed his head and placed on my lap.

"Hyunie.. please wake up, don't leave me Hyun.. I promise I never leave you again" I cried. I cried so hard and everyone looked at us,, I'm hug Hyunsuk.

Ambulance arrived. They carried Hyunsuk to ambulance. One of the crew asked me "who are you?"

"I-I'm his friend"

"Okay get in" I get in ambulance. My clothes covered up with bloods. I'm still hoping Hyunsuk doesn't really get bad injured.

Hyunsuk's Pov;-

I just a dark sky. My head hurts so much,, My eyes going to blurry,, I saw a lot of people around me and they're shout out like "call an ambulance!!"

'Ambulance? Ah.. did I get hit by a car?'


'J-jihoon? W-why he's crying? Jihoon please don't cry,, I hate seeing you cry like this,, I'm okay Hoonie..' I couldn't say it with my mouth because I have no more energy to speak.

My sight was about to blurry and my mind getting dizzy. I passed out.

Continue chapter 6>>

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