Chapter 12

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2 p.m.

"Suk-ah, wake up" he whispered.

"monying~" Hyunsuk said and whined.

"It's not morning Sukkie, it's already afternoon, hurry wake up I've made your food. Go wash up first" Jihoon held his wrist to pulled him to sit.

"What time now?" He rubbed his eyes.

"2p.m already"

"Oh.." Jihoon got up to leave the room.

"Don't eat yet, wait for me" the small boy held his hand before he went outside.

"Okay I won't eat yet" he kissed the small boy forehead and walked out from bedroom.


"Come here" he held Hyunsuk hand when he out from bedroom after change and on his head still have a white short towel. Jihoon pulled him to sit on the carpet and he sit on the couch. Hyunsuk blushed with the taller boy sudden actions. He dried his hair, he fixed his hair, he do his skincare routine for him, until Hyunsuk looked so glowing because of him. Then he pinched the small boy cheek's and pecked a kiss on his cheek.

"Pretty" Hyunsuk blushed.

Jihoon took his hand and went to dining table to eat the food that Jihoon made.

"Hoonie-ah let's go have a date" while munching the food.

"Date? Herm sounds good, let's go have one. This time, I never let you go again. I'll hold your hand whenever you go" Jihoon said while caressed his hands. Hyunsuk eyes almost burst out tears.

They changed clothes after eat and they were going out as planned but Jihoon has a surprise for him later. They were going out at Lotte World Theme Park in Seoul. They were having so much fun in there and almost everything in there they played but one thing Jihoon always wanted to try with Hyunsuk. Photo booth, Yeah he want to keeps a lot of memories with him. After played so many things they bought an ice cream to cool themselves and sat at the bench.

"Do you have fun?" he ask Hyunsuk while wipes an ice cream at corner of his mouth.

"Yeah! It's fun! Especially with you" Hyunsuk whispered the last sentence at his ear, make Jihoon face reddened.

"You know how to make the other blushing right" Jihoon said.

"Of course, but I'm just going to do that at the person sit next to me right now"
He smirked and played with the younger fingers as he seduce him.

"Don't seduce me, you small. Or you might end up moaning at the bed tonight" Jihoon gripped Hyunsuk wrist but it's not hurt at all.

"Try it, I'm always ready for you" Hyunsuk whispered at his ear to not the other passerby hear it 'cause they're in public.

Jihoon sighed. Now way he wanted to do that at him unless if he seduce him again he will not hold it back anymore and just eat him up.

"Stop it already Choi Hyunsuk. Let's go I want to try something with you" he stood up and grabbed the smaller hand.

"Haru Film? What is this?"

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