Chapter 7

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•~I'll continue the flashbacks,, don't worry I'll finish these flashbacks in this chapter.

Flashback continues:-

Jihoon's Pov;-

Fast forward >>>
1 week later..

After I cried out a loud that day. I always visited Hyunsuk whenever he asleep because I can't control my feeling if he keep saying 'who?' to me.

Today is the day Hyunsuk got out from hospital. But 2 days after he out from hospital they are going to move out.

I'm so shocked when Mr.Choi say that to me. A lot of questions in my mind.

'I can't see Hyunsuk anymore'

They move out because of Mr.Choi got a job at Seoul do they have no choice but to follow Mr.Choi cause you know how far is it Daegu to Seoul right.

Before they are going to Seoul they come to our house. I saw my our both parents crying nonstop. I change my gaze to Hyunsuk who was standing infront of me.

"Mrs.Choi can I borrow your Hyunsuk for a moment?" I said.

"Yeah sure go on dear"

I grabbed Hyunsuk wrist and I brought him to my room. As soon I closed the door my tears coming down it's feels really hurt this time. I can't see him anymore.

I cried but I'm still holding his wrist and my back facing him. I'm not looking at him cause I don't him to see this side of me.

I wiped my tears and turn back. I didn't expect him to cry like this. I saw Hyunsuk cry. I don't why he is cry.

"M-my mom told that I've a boyfriend.." He said while wiped his tears.

My eyes widened.

"She said it was you,, at first I didn't believe that but I know my mom wouldn't lie to me and she want me to try to accept you and try to remember every moment of me and you" He said in sobbing.

I caress his cheeks and wiped out his tears.

"Okay okay don't cry please dear, I don't want to see you crying like this for our last time meet" I embraced him on my chest. I feel like my tears wanted coming down for a second time but I hold it.

"Hyunie.. My Hyunie. Look at me" I touch his eyes,, his ears,, his nose,, and his lips. I connect my forehead and his. I kissed him on lips. Maybe he is too shocked that's why he doesn't open his mouth.

'How cute'

"Open your mouth babe"


"Trust your Hoonie, I'll make you feel good" He face turn red up.

He opened his mouth but slowly maybe because his nervous. For a second time I found him cute.

As soon he opened his mouth I put my tongue in his mouth and licked every angle in his mouth.

I'm shocked cause he is respond to my kiss very well. He let out soft moaned. It's been awhile sence we kissed.

'I miss his lips'

We kissed for minutes, I pulled out when he hit my chest maybe he is out of his breath.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I-I'm okay. You.. pervert" he said and gave me a dead stares. It's make laughed a little.

I caress his cheeks and lean my forehead to his.

"My Hyun, Hyunie, Sukkie, my beloved Hyunsuk hyung. No metter how far are you, I'll be find you until I saw your figure and please promise me one think, no metter how far are we, don't forget about our moments, don't forget about we and don't forget about me please.. I beg you" I took his hand and kissed his palm.

"Hoonie. Come and find me there, I'll always wait you there and welcoming you but.. I'm worry about something"

"What's it?"

"What if.. I lose my memory and I could recognise you? I'm afraid that I'll forget about you. I don't want that" He face looks so worried. His tears was about to escape from his eyes.

"Don't worry Hyunie, but If that really happen I'll still find you and be friend with you and I'll make you fallin' in love with me once again" I said that while still not letting out forehead apart.

"I'll wait you, my Hoonie" He said and peck a kiss on my lips.

After had a long chat we head out to downstairs and our parents looking at us. Well they all know about us maybe we were being too obvious? I don't care as long they are accept our relationships.

I'm going to say a goodbye to them or maybe not goodbye but see you soon? Well I will make sure to find him.

Fast forward>>>

It's time for me to attend a highschool. My parents make a promise with me and also a birthday gift for me, the promise is I want to attend a highschool in Seoul.

My parents might be know why I wanted that for my gift. For the fact I didn't know what highschool his attend so at first I want to attend one of highschool there and it's easier for me to find him there.

But I have to attend a highschool in my country Daegu first because I have have something to take care of. When about half year I started to move out to Seoul.

Actually I was the only one who move put to Seoul because my parents love that place too much because there are many memories stored there.

I move to apartment complex that my dad searched it for me. As expected from my dad he always support me.

I have two days before I'm going to my new highschool.

End of Flashbacks


Continue Chapter 8>>

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