The Lost Daughter of Thaumaturgy - Chapter Them

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“Who the hell is this?”

“The god damn girl you’ve been looking for, for the past 2 decades nearly! You would think you’d be a little gracious since I just saved your ass from being beat my Adalric again!”

“That cannot be the child we have been looking for. For god’s sake Ty she’s a god damn blonde! The prophecy says the child of hair the colour of flames shall be the one to complete The Four. Not a freakin blonde!”

“I know what the prophecy says. Don’t recite it to me like an ignorant. But I am telling you Nolan It’s her. I was only in her presence for a short time but the magic emanating from her was poignant enough for even the fucking cashier to notice there was something different about her! Never have I ever been so sure of myself.”

“You were not trained to make guesses Ty, this is not something you can just go by gut for. You make mistakes and I’m the one that has to pay for it.”

“Fine, you don’t believe, but I end up being right and we just left her here, never mind the fact that she’s a child of Gelthara anyway, we both know our heads will be on platters faster than Adalric can pick his ass crack.”

“Must you be so vulgar?”


“Fine, we’ll take the girl, but you’ll be responsible for her. Until you can prove that she is the Fourth you tell nobody of your assumptions. We all know what happens when we make assumptions, we make asses of ourselves.”

“Was that your pathetic attempt at humour?”


“Fine, I’ll take responsibility for her.”

“Good. Oh and Ty. The girl needs not to know of your assumption either.”

“Yes, Nolan.”

“Good, know hurry up and open an interdimensional door so I can get my car back, I was in the middle of my best hand when you summoned me.”

“Of course.”

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