The Lost Daughter of Thaumaturgy - Chapter 15

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          “Ah! Gabe my dear, please come in!” Ok, this guy must be high because he was nothing but scowls and glares yesterday. “Thank you for coming to see me,” he looked behind me as I walked into the room, eyes scanning over everything looking for blunt instruments or make shift shivs. I have issues...

Yes... yes you do.

“No Typhon?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“No, I’m not completely incompetent as to forget the way to an office.” I said just to be ass. He nodded his appreciation and I just stared at him.

“Sit please,” He motioned to the arm chair sitting opposite the large oak desk. “You must be wondering why I asked you here this morning.”

“Not really, I’m a new student so either this is some mundane and tedious welcome ritual in which I’ll die inside enduring or it’s just going to be more bullshit cryptic statements designed to infuriate me and again, make me die inside. Either way my soul is withering, so just cut to the chase... please.”

“Very well,” He agreed, walking to his desk and smiling to himself. I don’t like this guy. “The latter I hope to stay away from, but the former I cannot promise the same. As you are new to our world I have taken it upon myself to act as your guide, mentor and friend. I want to make this transition as easy as possible for you, of course I know how ridiculous this sounds but, I’m here.” He said cringing at the last part, ok that was funny.

“Err, thanks.” I said looking everywhere but at him, I hate these types of situations, it’s so awkward and I never know what to say, Awesome?! Alright?! Sweet?! This is not 90210 and if it was I’d kill myself... It’s just terrible ok, I mean how shallow can you get, seriously, I think Kristen Stewart has more of a personality than half of those dumb ass, stick thin, painted up, barely clothed bitches. This is England, or Wales rather, and the most you’d see here is occasional chivvy girl in all pink and hair so back-combed it looks like she’s been electrocuted! That I can deal with.

You done?

I think so, where was I?

Captain Butt Munch over there was getting all family special on us.

Oh yeah, thanks.

He was still looking at me, but I didn’t know what to say so I forced a smile and let it drop as fast as it surfaced.

“Do you have any questions?” he said after a long moment of silence.

          Only a million and one, most of which he could answer probably, but I just want to get out of here and hide. All of a sudden my stomach’s knotted and my nerves are shot, my instincts are telling me to dive back into bed and stay away from all this crap.

          Why am I only just realising the shit I’m getting myself into! Shit! What the frak am I doing here, I’m nothing like these people, I don’t conjure shit, I don’t read minds or glow in the dark, I’m a normal person so why the hell am I staying here?!

          “Gabe? What’s the matter?” Adalric came around the front of the table and reached out to pat my shoulder. I freaked out and grabbed his hand, bent it backwards and slammed his face down on the table.

“Nobody touches me!” I screamed in his ear. My heart was pounding in my ears and black and white spots flashed across my eyes. I let go of him and staggered back away from him, knocking over a lamp and a suit of armour until I reached a wall and I crumpled to the floor, tears streaming and my breathe coming in gasps.

          Adalric straightened himself rubbing his wrist and realigning his pinkie, I must have broken it by mistake. “Gabe, let me help you. What’s the matter?” He took a step towards me and I looked up at him, my eyes burning into his, he stopped and raised his hands in sign of surrender.

          After a few laboured breathes I swallowed and spat out, “Who am... I-I?” I was shaking so hard my feet were bouncing centimetres off the floor of their-own accord.

          He sighed and wiped his face, looking up at the painting of my mother. “You’re the daughter of one of the greatest warriors this world has ever seen,” He stopped and looked at me, “Your mother grew up in this school, came to us when she was only a child, 4-years-old in fact. Even then she showed signs of the greatness she would someday achieve. When she was 18,” He stopped and looked across the room, at what I don’t know. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “She fell pregnant she ran away. We never found out who it was to, but there were rumours and suspicions. For years we tried to locate her, we sent out our best trackers but nothing but a growing body count. When we learnt that Madalein had a child with her we ruled out the possibility that she had run away to get rid of it,” He cringed at his words but continued, “Madalein was a beautiful person, inside and out, however what made her great was not her beauty or personality, it was her abilities. In all my life I never met anyone who could best her. She was trained in every form of battle and ranked first in all of her combat classes.”

          On some messed up level all of this makes sense, it’s clearing up so many questions about my childhood. I hated asking mum anything like this because I knew it’d make her sad, but now this guy is just saying words and I’m only hearing half of it. I feel like I’m being talked at and I hate that.

          “Stop!” I shouted, standing up and walking towards him, “I don’t want a damn diary entry read to me, I know what my mother was like, more than anyone. All I want to know right now is why I’m here.” My eyes are pleading and my hands are shaking but I gritted my teeth and stood my ground. He is going to tell me.

          He sighed, nodding his head and I let out the breath I was holding as I mentally prepared myself.

          “Well, it’s hard to say.” My eyes widened so he hurried himself along, “What I mean is we knew your mother was Precog, but we didn’t know who your father was, so there’s no way of knowing if you have any other abilities, for all we know he could have been a Mundane, or a damn Wizard! Typhon said when he brought you in that you radiated with power which I didn’t realise until you first came in here, I mean how can you not notice that?!”

          His tone sounds exasperated and I have no idea why, what is he talking about radiating with power? Is he high?

          And what the hell is a Precog? I have a whole new plethora of words and I have no idea what anything means.

“What do you mean by Precog?” Something is telling me that I really don’t want to know this.

          He’s smiling at me but I can tell it’s forced, “A person with Precognitions has the ability to see into the future. They become a part of the vision in some way, often just a bystander though.”

“And my mother was one of these Precogs?” I should maybe be a little nicer to him. He is helping me after all.

“Yes, she helped us for years but it first surfaced when she was ten. She ran screaming through the dining hall because someone was going to put spiders in her bed.” He chuckled to himself at the memory.

“I don’t get it.” I admitted, “I’m not a Precog, I’m not anything, I have no special powers, and I am not different.” My head is spinning really badly and I think I’m going to throw up.

“You’ve never had a vision?”

“Err... NO!” I need to calm down, I really think I’m going to be sick.

“Maybe you should sit dow...” I didn’t hear the rest, by the time I heard half of what he was saying, I was on the floor as the darkness slowly crept over me... again. I'm starting to see a pattern develop here.

Note to self: Buy a pillow to carry around for next time I faint... Better yet, STOP FAINTING!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2011 ⏰

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