The Lost Daughter of Thaumaturgy - Chapter 11

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          The room was a good size for a school dorm, walls an institutional gray colour. Small double doors painted white led to the small in-built wardrobe, whilst the single bed lay underneath a black casement window lined with sheer Navy Blue curtains. The bed spread matched the curtains, and the washed down carpet might have matched once also. A lone vanity sat next the wardrobe, with 3 draws either side, again painted white.

          I guess its ok.

          It’s atrocious, and you know it.

          Oh god, please tell me we can re-decorate! I’m not a picky person but there is no way in hell I’m going to stay here and not change everything in this room!

          I’m with you on that. I’m thinking that ‘New York State of Mind’ we picked up from deedee 9:14 could have looked good in here.

Yeah, too bad you sold it on me. I loved that piece.

I’ve told you before, we needed to eat and I was sick of carrying it for you.

Such a whiner.


I guess we’ll just have to ask, that or we just do it and say we don’t know how it happened.

I like option two.

Me too!

A light knocking came at the door. I turned to get it and tripped over my bag, falling face first.

“OW!” I shouted, “God damn it, stupid bag!” I scrambled up to the door, grabbing at it while my feet caught up to me. The door flung open and a girl with bright blue and green doe eyes, light tanned skin and a shaved head. A long tribal print tattoo stretched around the side of her skull, from the end of her cheek bone to the back of her neck.

She stood with a wide smile stretched across her face, showing pearly white teeth, her canines a little sharper than normal. I took a step back with the door, instincts telling me I should fear this girl.

“Hi,” She said her smile growing, as if it were possible. “I’m Nova. Typhon phoned and said he was bringing us a surprise but I was just expecting Chinese food, Ooo I want Chinese food now, Do you want Chinese food, I’m so ordering it now, so when did you get here, did you just fall over, I like your hair.”

She carried on rambling for at least 3 more minutes in the same fashion. Asking question after question, without giving me any time to answer, then she’d answer her own question and end up talking in circles. I’m guessing she has ADHD, because this chick just doesn’t stop!

Oh wait, she’s stopped... go figure.

She was staring at me, expectantly, “Soooo?” She said, waiting for something.

“Huh?” I managed to say.

“I said, what’s your name?” She repeated, tilting her head to side, eyes wide with excitement and expectation.

“Oh, erm, Gabriel, but I get Gabe a lot.” She beamed nodding her head as if she’d done a great job.

“Nova, leave the poor girl alone.” A boy called from around the corner. I poked my head around the door and saw a guy with a blue shaved Mohawk standing in front of the fridge. He was a little taller than me, dressed in low riding jeans and a black t-shirt reading “Wanted, Dead and Alive, Schrodinger’s Cat.” with a picture of an unfortunate looking cat printed on it. I smiled at it he waved, chugging pure orange juice from the carton.

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