The Lost Daughter of Thaumaturgy - Chapter 10

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The room was just like a dorm you’d expect to see in any bad American college show. A large open plan area marked by the furniture to set boundaries indicated the living area and kitchen.  A leather 3 seat sofa sat facing the door and the TV hung up on the wall accompanied by 2 miss-matched arm chairs, draped in blankets.

4 doors, 2 decorated in posters and signs, 1 in painted patterns and sparkly stickers led away from the communal space, and the kitchen lay set back against the far wall, a small island placed in front to function as an eating area, which by the looks on the stains on the chairs, is rarely used.

Typhon threw himself onto the sofa and made got comfy, propping his head up on a pillow. He turned the TV on and looked over towards me, his dreadlocks fanning out across the chair.

“Take a seat,” He said, noting my wariness. I nodded and sat on the edge of the closest arm chair. “Your bags are over in the corner and the boys will be back up in a bit.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked, getting up to see my bag sitting in the corner by one of the doors. “Why are my bags here? What boys? What are you talking about? ” I started to panic. All this told me was that I still know nothing of why I’m here.

Typhon sat up and turned to look over the back of the sofa at me. “Well, all the girl’s dorms are full since the school years already started, so Adalric had your stuff sent here since we had a spare room.” He explained. I just stared at him. Was he telling me I’m staying here, forever? My head started to go fuzzy and my chest hurt. 

All of a sudden my lungs stopped working and I was sinking to the floor, bracing my back against the wall. I dragged my legs to my chest and tried to breathe in, but the motion didn’t register and that only made me panic more.

“Gabe!” Typhon shouted, jumping over the back of the sofa. “You’re turning blue! What should I do?!” his hands fluttered around me, trying to see what he could do, or how to do anything. I motioned to the smaller hip bag; my other hand grasping at my throat. My inhaler was in the front pouch so if I could get to it I wouldn’t pass out, I’ve done way too much of that in front of this boy and I need to stay conscious.

He looked at my hand confused, eyebrows knitting together, his arms still moving around trying to help me. Then it must have made sense because he followed my finger and darted straight for the bag looking for anything that I might need.

After a minute he gave up searching and shook everything out, dodging the first-aid supplies, pain killers, pepper spray and tampons... cringe I know. Until finally he found my inhaler and I waved even more to say ‘yes that’s it!’

Pulling the top off of it, he shoved it in my mouth and pushed down for me. I inhaled and held my breath best I could. It took a few tries before I could fully influx and take in enough of the drug to do something.

When I was finally breathing again, or panting I should say, and Typhon was huffing out sighs of relief, I shook my head a few times and tried to stand up. After a few attempts I was stood and breathing normally. I walked over towards the chairs and sat down, Typhon copied and sat closer to me this time.

“Start talking.” I said staring straight at him, waiting for my full explanation.

He sighed and nodded his head a little. “Fair enough,” He agreed and carried on. “I guess the best place to start is the beginning.” I nodded for him to continue.

“Well, this,” He said motioning around us, “Is my, well I guess now it’s yours too, so this is our dorm. We are currently at the LLangoed Institute of Thaumaturgy for the Children of Galthera. And before you ask,” He said when I raised my hand, “Thaumaturgy means magic.”

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