The Lost Daughter of Thaumaturgy - Chapter 14

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          I don’t like this.

Neither do I, but I promised that I’d try.

They never said it included this! I look like a damn idiot.

It’s not that bad, now stop being so dramatic you’re bugging me.

          Typhon knocked on my bedroom door at some ungodly hour after playing video games till around 3 am. It seemed like I had just got to sleep when he was pounding on my door.

          I tried to ignore him, but when he started to blast Enter Shikari through my door I had enough. I pride myself on being eclectic when it comes to music, but I’m sorry, that is not music, it’s just a bunch of grown men jumping around screaming in angst trying to repress their daddy issues. Meh.

          Twenty minutes later, here I stand looking like I just stepped out of a magazine for children’s uniforms. You know the kind where you get the ethnically varied kids walking hand in hand smiling as if their parents really do love them for making them do this, whilst holding their gender stereotyped back packs and pencil cases.

          I wanna die.

Now who’s being dramatic?

Now who’s still being annoying?

I’ll get the scissors.

Yeah you do that.

          This really is ridiculous! There is no way that I’m staying here and being forced to where a skirt that is past my knees. It’s completely restrictive and how do they expect me to learn when all I’ll be doing is itching my legs since this hem is so irritating!

          I pulled of the skirt and sat on the edge of the bed. Measuring the length of the skirt I cut at least 5 inches off from the bottom, before rolling it under and sowing the hem clean. Standing up again I slid the skirt on again and sat it right on my hips, smiling in victory at its new length. I let my shirt hang over it, the top and bottom two buttons open with a black wife beater on underneath. Black knee length socks with small skulls embroidered around the top with my Black Dr. Martens I took out of my bag completed my interpretation of the mandatory uniform.

          I ignored the messenger bag Typhon brought in with the uniform since I doubt I’ll get that much work on my first day. When I came out of my room the smell of Bacon, eggs and French toast assaulted my senses and saliva pooled in the back of my throat.

          “Morning Beautiful” Tywin sang from behind the counter making me blush. Devlin sat at the counter shovelling toast into his mouth, he looked like he’d been working out since his clothes where drenched in sweat and he stank to high heaven! He smiled at me with his mouth full.

          I scrunched my nose, “Jesus man! Did your shower brake or something?” I said holding my nose as I grabbed a piece of toast, wrapping it around 2 pieces of bacon and biting into it, Tywin burst out laughing. Oh my god! This is heaven.

          Tywin laughed harder when he saw my face, I’m pretty sure I look like I just had a stroke, but I don’t give a crap, this is so damn good! “Nigella Lawson eat your heart out” he said and I nodded my head in appreciation.

          Typhon came out of his room then wiping his eyes with a piece of paper which he preceded to place in front of me. He pointed at it and said “Class schedule,” between yawns. “It got e-mailed this morning. Aldaric wishes to see you in his office before classes start. I’ll walk you over after breakfast.” He promised, grabbing some toast and bacon, doing what I did and wrapping them together then stuffing it in his face.

          I shrank into my seat a little, Adalric makes me feel nervous. I don’t know what it is about that man but he has this way of putting me on edge. Maybe it’s because I know he knows something about me, maybe it’s the arrogant air in which he walks and holds himself in. I’ve always had a problem with authority figures, except my mother of course. Either way, I’d prefer being alone.

          “That’s alright,” I said forcing a smile, “I remember the way, I can go now and be back in time for...” I paused and looked down at the piece of paper, “What the hell is theoretical thaumaturgy?”

          “Ouch!” Devlin hissed resting on his chair, “I’d hate to have that so early in the morning, it hurts my brain.”

          “That didn’t answer my question,” I pointed out. He nodded his appreciation.

          “Fair enough, it’s where we learn about the world around us, take notes, and sit exams, blah blah blah. I always preferred the psychical side of thaumaturgy; Theory is way too much effort and brain power.” He said grabbing my schedule and grinning to himself, “Jesus they got you good!” he laughed and I snatched it back. It didn’t look that bad!

9:00- 10:00 – Theoretical Thaumaturgy.

10:00- 11:00 – Advanced Mathematics.

11:00- 12:00 – Social Sciences.

12:00- 1:00 – Lunch.

1:00- 2:00 – Battle Strategy.

2:00-4:00 – Training.

          I stood up and folded the schedule into my pocket as Devlin snickered under his breath. I took great pride in clipping him across the head on my way out the door, getting a girly complaint and pathetic Oww in response.  

          Following the path I made yesterday backwards I passed students dressed similarly to me. They saw me and snickered to each other, a few pointed and I got a few comments shouted at me. I ignored it all and carried on walking, no doubt there would be some rumour about me starting as I speak, that’s how it goes right? Fresh meat and all, rumour mills groan and grate as the cogs start to turn from its last victim.

          As I reached the large doors I had been brought to yesterday my heart started pounding in my chest and my nerves pricked. I really don’t want to be here.

          I close my eyes and see my mother’s face behind my lids. I smile as her face radiates with love and happiness, I miss that. Her golden hair blows around her face as we stand on the pier at Blackpool. Donkeys one after the other ride up and down the beach with screaming children on their back, and he smell of salty fish and chips get carried along the wind from the hundreds of chip shops lined up on the walk ways. The slot machines and arcade games flash and make noise and the seagulls squawk over head. The memory makes me smile. I always loved our time in Blackpool. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a horrible place, tacky gift shops, more Rock Candy I’ve ever seen, B&B’s everywhere, the rides at pleasure land are just terrible and the people are ridiculous. But all of this added together, my mother’s ability to find qualities in everything and her sense of humour made it tolerable enough to enjoy myself and only verbally abuse a few people.

          When I opened my eyes I felt a little better, but my stomach is still twisted and I’m still dreading going in there.

          Oh well, here goes nothing. My hand reaches up and knocks of its own accord apparently.

Note to Self: Get some self control. 

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