The Lost Daughter of Thaumaturgy - Chapter 9

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            I’m not sure how long I sat there on the floor, waiting for something. My sanity to return would be a good thing, or maybe Ashton Kutcher to show up with a new series of Punk’d, even a good old ‘Got You!’ would suffice. Nothing.

            “Are you just gonna sit there?” Typhon asked in a condescending tone that made me wanna punch him. “Because I’m pretty sure the cleaning crew start at 6,” he said looking down to his wrist, “And it’s noon now.”

            I glared at him, standing up and walking over to him. He stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, biceps flexed a little.

            Ooo, someone’s been working out! Gimme gimme gimme!!!!!

            Can’t you control yourself for 5 minutes? Seriously, it’s really annoying when Ms Estrogen over there chirps in with her constant need for male attention!

            I don’t know what you’re talking about...

            Oh really, so that waiter in Brazil, and the sales man in HMV, and the Bus boy in Frankie and Benny’s were all just calling out to be man handled?


            That’s what I thought.

            I squared my shoulders when I was just a few feet away from him. He smirked at me as if he could read my mind. He opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted when my fist smashed into his jaw, dislocating it and knocking him over.

            BALL BUSTER!

            Thanks? I guess.

            Now it was my turn to look smug. I stood over him and wore a shit eatin’ grin on my face. He fixed his jaw back into place, wincing a little before staring at me with a mixture of shock, anger and amusement. “I guess mommy dearest taught you a thing or two.” He said, rubbing his jaw.

            I knelt down next to him ramming the heel of my palm into his nose, dropping him back down again. “You don’t get to talk about my mother. You may know her name, and have a pretty picture of her hanging in a room but that doesn’t warrant you talking like you know her.” I said, standing and turning, walking off down the hall.

            I wasn’t running away, I was trying to cool off. My head was swimming with memories and emotions, too many to name, and my hand hurt, his head’s hard!

Pacing up and down the hall way, I shook my hand trying to ignore the pain, a few knuckles were cracked, and I’m too weary to attempt another escape. Besides, I don’t know who these guys are, but they’ve proven that they can stop me with whatever martial art, magic tricks they’ve been pulling.

“I apologise,” Typhon said, standing a few feet away, rubbing his jaw so his words came out a little distorted. “You’re right, I had no right to speak of her, and for that I apologise.”

His eyes were clear and filled with regret. He was truly sincere, and that surprised me. I never had Typhon down as the type of person who would open himself up to a bit of humility. The least I could do was thank him I guess. After all I have beaten him up enough.

“It’s alright-” I started to say but he cut me off.

“No it’s not.” He continued. “I upset you and that’s not right. I brought you here against your will, all be it you were unconscious, treated you terribly and disrespected you more than once.” The entire time he spoke, his eyes never left mine, his piercing gaze kept me locked onto him and I wanted to hug him, to make him feel better. His face told me exactly what his voice was trying to hide in its level tone. He really was upset he had done this to me.

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