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Two years before the main storyline

"Onii chan, can you help me set the table?" Y/N called. Her older brother Yamato poked his head through the doorway, and smiled.

"Sure, Y/N!" He said as he went over to help her with the dishes.

"Is Taro onii chan back from the village yet?" Y/N asked. He usually came back before sunset, but he was a little late today.

"He isn't back yet, but don't worry, little sis! I'm sure he'll be back any minute!" Yamato answered cheerfully.

And with inexplicable comic timing, Taro's head appeared from the doorway. He smiled.

"Sorry I'm a little late! The villagers were so persistent today! Even when I was leaving they still wanted some wood!" He laughed.

"Well, what can we say, our big brother is a wood selling pro." Yamato said, grinning.

"Yeah!" Y/N exclaimed. "Taro nii chan is the best!" Taro ruffled her hair, chuckling.

Taro suddenly took notice of the food. "Sushi! Don't mind if I do!" He leaned towards the table, his hand outstretched when Y/N slapped his hand away.

"No touching the food before dinner! And go wash your hands! I'm talking to you, too, Yamato!" She scolded.

"Yes, ma'am!" The two brothers rushed to wash their hands while Y/N went to get her father. As she made her way to her fathers room, she stopped and looked at the sky. The cherry blossom trees that surrounded their house swayed gently in the evening breeze. She smiled to herself.

I hope nothing changes for us. I never want to be seperated from you. Not ever.


Later that night

Y/N laid on her futon unable to sleep. It was midnight. But every time she trued to sleep, a feeling of dread crept up on her. She closed her eyes in an effort to sleep when she heard a loud crash from the kitchen.

Her father and brothers jolted awake. "W-what was that?" Y/N whimpered, hugging Taro.

"Let me go check it out. Yamato, get an axe and follow me. Taro, stay and look after Y/N chan" Her father said. Yamato grabbed an axe as he was told and followed their father. Y/N watched as her father and older brother disappeared through the doorway. She clutched onto Taro, scared.

A couple of minutes passed and Y/N heard screams from the kitchen. "Father! Onii chan!" Y/N exclaimed.

Y/N and Taro made their way to the kitchen. Taro was holding a hatchet while Y/N was hiding behind him. When they reached the kitchen, a horrifying scene awaited them. Their father and brother, laying on the floor, dead.

A figure stood above them. Blood spattered on his clothes, hand and mouth. His pupils were slit like a cats, and he appeared to have ...... fangs?

"I knew there were more than two people in this house," the figure mused, looking at the two siblings. His eyes fell upon Y/N.

"My, my, what a fine young lady you are. I'll have fun eating you." He took a step towards them.

Taro raised his hatchet menacingly. "If you want my little sister, you have to get through me first!"

"Is that so?" The figure said. In a blink of an eye he slashed Taro's face and throat. The figure then made his way towards Y/N.

Y/N backed all the way to a wall, knowing these were ber final moments. The figure raised his hand for a killing blow, but Y/N dodged at the last second. However, one kf his claws slashed across her eye. Y/N screamed in pain.

The figure raised his hand again, this time, it was definitely going to kill her. Kust before she was about to strike, his head fell off.

Y/N watched as the bidy crumbled away into ashes. As soon as the body disappeared, she got up and ran towards Taro's body.

"Taro nii chan?" Y/N sobbed as she held his body. No anwer. "T-Taro n-n-nii chan?" She tried again. It was no use. He was dead.

Dead. The words rang inside Y/N's head. I'm all alone now. I have no one else.

Y/N started sobbing. "They're all dead. I was too late." A new voice appeared.

Y/N looked up, tears streaming down her face. A black haired man with a mask covering his mouth was looking down at the corpses of her dead family members. He wore somekind of uniform and a black and white striped haori. For some reason he had a snake around his neck, and..... a sword? Weren't those illegal?

He looked at Y/N. He walked towards her, knelt down and dried her tears. Y/N looked up at the man. His eyes appeared sympathetic. And then he spoke in a comforting tone.

"It's gonna be alright. Even though they're dead, they'll always be with you in here." He pointed to her heart.

"My name is Iguro Obanai. I am a demon slayer. The thing that killed your family was a demon. What's your name?" He asked gently.

"M-my name is Y/N. Y/N Takeshi." She answered quietly.

"Well, Y/N, why don't you come with me. I can keep you safe. I promise, no one will ever hurt you." Y/N could've sworn he was smiling behind that mask. He was kind. And he could keep her safe.

"O-okay.." Y/N took his hand and smiled lightly.

"We're gonna have to patch up that wound first though." He said, worried. "It'll be alright." Y/N said quietly.

So this is it. My new life. Maybe I can become a demon slayer too. Father. Yamato. Taro. I promise. I will avenge you. I will eradicate the demons. And no one will suffer the same fate we did.

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