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"I couldn't just let you die, could I?" Haruki said.

Haruki.... I didn't know how to react. It hurt to see him like that. I concrete pike had pierced his right leg. I could only imagine how much pain he was in right now.

"H-haruki! What the hell?! I could've handled it on my own, ya know?!" I yelled at him, infuriated. I refuse to let anybody sacrifice their life for mine.

"I know.....but you've already saved me once..." Haruki said slowly. "And I intend to repay the favor."

"So let me stand by your side, and fight together. Let me shield you as you decapitate demons. Let's save humanity together. I know you may think that you can handle everything alone, but that's not that's not the case. The demon slayer corps is an organization, a group, created to defeat Muzan Kibutsuji. That means we must work together. You, me, and everyone else. We're a team! And I will not let you do this alone!" He said.

I stood there in silence. At that moment, we paid no attention to the demon infront of us. At that moment, all I could think about was Haruki's words.

You think I don't know that, you damn idiot?! You think I think that I can handle everything on my own?! I'm just trying to make sure that you don't get killed trying to protect me.

"Fine. But this does not mean you'remy bestfriend, you goddamn mushball." I said tightening the grip on my sword.

"Fine by me!" He said, as if he had no worries in the world. I tsked.

Haruki managed to stand up, and took a fighting stance. He stood beside me, and grinned.

"Get ready to die, Kiba!" He said, turning to the demon. "Cause this wolf's 'boutta claw your head off."


I stared at Haruki, amazed. Who has the will to stand up and fight after getting pierced in the leg? App4that person is Haruki.

But seeing him so pumped up, it gave me confidence. I turned to the demon, who's name was Kiba.

You better start running, Kiba. Cause this cobra's already poised to attack you at even the slightest mistake.

I grinned. I knew we had him this time. This demon was about to die! And I was gonna enjoy every second of it.

The demon looked at us with a bored expression. "Is that so? You intend to cut my head off. Just go ahead and try."

Without warning, the both of us chatged at Kiba. It's a miracle Haruki us still able to move.

Kiba put up a series of concrete walls, but Haruki broke through them easily, leaving a way for me to get to the demons head.

I was close. I was close to finally decapitating that wretched demon. But at the last second, I was blocked by a huge statue.

"FUCKING SHIT!" I cursed as my sword got repelled by the impact.

Haruki appeared beside me as I landed on the ground. Kiba had created a huge concrete ogre to fight back.

I gritted my teeth hard. Now we have to deal with the demon and the ogre?! HOW HARD CAN MY FIRST MISSION GET?!!

"Y/N, calm down. We'll sync our attacks and break through. You go for the top, I'll go for the bottom. That way you can decapitate the demon." Haruki said to me quietly. I nodded. I was certain this time, we would decapitate that demon.

I inhaled softly, and then, at the same time, me and Haruki dashed forward towards the ogre. I jumped into the air, ready to strike.

"Serpent Breathing, Fifth Form: Slithering Serpent!"

"Wind Breathing, Fourth Form: Rising Dust Storm!"

We managed to obliterate the ogre, surprisingly easily. I turned towards Kiba. The former lowermoon six, was enraged.

I smirked. I then dashed toward him. As I headed towards him, his eyes grew wide with fear. Pathetic.

"Serpent Breathing, Third Form: Coil Choke!"

I dashed behind him in the blink of an eye. Kiba made an effort to to try and stop me, but by then my sword was already at the base of his neck. I swiftly decapitated him.

Kiba's head fell to the ground. I glared at it and kicked the head away. I turned to see Haruki watching the floor carefully.

"Y/N, we need to get out of here."



Haruki POV

The walls started crumbling. The ceiling was about to fall. I couldn't move as efficiently as Y/N since I was mkre injured than her. Y/N was supporting me as we rushed down the stairs.

We had to get outside before the building collapsed. I should've remembered this. I should've remembered that domains demons created using blood demon arts will perish along with the demon! Why do you have to be so damn stupid, Isamu! I thought to myself as we reached 12th floor.

Suddenly, on of the floorboards collapsed underneath us, making us fall to the next floor. I winced in pain as I landed on my injured leg. Suddenly, I was lifted off of my feet.

"I'll carry you outside, don't squirm or resist cause I ain't changing my mind." Y/N said.

"But what about your leg?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

Y/N tsked. "You're more wounded than me right now, so you can let me worry about myself." She said and started running. Damn, she was fast.

Despite her small stature, Y/N was able to carry me no problem. Maybe the fact that I'm only like, 37 KG or that she's just strong. Heck, even I would've had a hard time lifting her.

We got out fo the building at the last minute. I watched as the building collapsed, leaving debris everywhere. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mizuki, send a message to Shinobu-San. Tell her we're at Osaka and that Haruki and I need medical attention." I heard Y/N say to her crow.

My leg was bleeding a lot. I doubted I would be able to get back to missions anytime soon.

The corners of my eyes started to go dark. I was about to black out. The last thing I saw was Y/N, observing the wreckage.

Y/N .......

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