Rehabilitation Training

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Isamu POV

  I opened my eyes to be greeted by Y/N and some other person I never met.

  The moment Y/N saw me awake, she furrowed her brow and scolded me.

  "About time you woke up!" Her wrists and leg were covered in bandages, but she seemed fine.

  Apparently after the incident in Osaka, I had fallen into unconsciousness for about a day.

  I looked at the boy next to Y/N. At first I thought he was a girl because of his long hair, turns out he was a boy.

  "Muichiro, this is Isamu Haruki. Haruki, this is the Mist Hashira, Muichiro Tokitou." Y/N said, introducing us.

  Muichiro had a stoic look plastered on his face. He looked like one of those people who were serious all time, and still managed to look like he didn't have a care in the world.

  "Nice to meet you ....... Haruki, right?" His voice was soft. It was as if sincerity had been imbued with harshness.

  "Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you Tokito-san." Muichiro looked about Y/N's age. 12, maybe. And yet he's still a Hashira?

  Damn. This kid's only 12 and he's able to become a Hashira. How long did it take? I thought to myself.

  Muichiro was talking with Y/N about something. It must've been funny cause Y/N giggled. Y/N giggled.

  I've never seen Y/N so calm or happy. It was like seeing a cat during daytime. The time where they are more relaxed while they come alive at night.

  "Y/N-san! Is your leg okay?" I cute little voice chimed in. I lifted my head to see a little girl about 8 years old.

  "I'm fine, Kiyo-chan. Haruki's the one who got the brunt of the fight." Y/N said. She then turned to look at me.

  "You better heal fast cause I am not going to rehabilitation training with Aoi alone!"

  I stared at Y/N. Who the heck is Aoi? And rehabili-what?!

  A long moment passed. I continued giving her a perplexed face *insert confused Yuta Okkotsu face* while she looked at me defiantly.

   Y/N slapped her head. "I'll be back..." She muttered and ran out of the room.

  "Y-y/N! Slow down! You still haven't healed properly!" Muichiro cried out frantically as he chased after her.

  A few moments later, Y/N and Muichiro came back with another girl who looked around 14 years old.

  "So you want me to explain what rehabilitation training is to him?" The girl asked. Y/N nodded from behind her.

  The girl walked up to me and introduced herself as Aoi. Ohhhhhh. My brain echoed. But I still didn't understand why she didn't want to do rehabilitation training alone. Aoi explained to me what was rehabilitation training and what we had to do. And it didn't seem that bad.

Two days later, Isamu has made a full recovery

I take it back. It's really bad. Aoi-san was just as strict and hot-tempered as Y/N. She would get mad if I didn't show up on time, and scold me.

  The full body stretches with Kiyo, Sumi and Naho weren't half bad, but it was worse than Aoi-san yelling at me. Y/N on the other hand seemed to handle it well.

  Then there was the reflex test with Kanao-san. Every time I would end up soaked in medicinal tea. Every single time. Even Y/N couldn't beat her.

  The full body training wasn't as bad, it was basically a game of tag. It would always end with me and Y/N falling in a heap of laughter.

  Muichiro was always there during training sessions. Occasionally, him and Y/N would practice sparring outside, and I would join sometimes.

  Although everytime we practice, I would feel this prickling sensation at the back of my head. As if, someone is watching my every move. And that proved to be true.

  I would occasionally catch Muichiro staring at me. His expression would darken every time I was near Y/N. That's when it hit me: he loved her.

  Just like I do. He looks at her the same way I do. Does she look at either one of us that way? These were the thoughts that go through my head all the time.

  Later that week, I got to meet Y/N's trainer, the Serpent Hashira, Iguro Obanai. Wow, that man is scary.

  What was weird is that he was awfully hostile towards Muichiro. Weren't they colleagues? I figured he must've known that Muichiro was in love with Y/N. Throughout the day, Iguro-san watched Muichiro like a hawk. It didn't help that his snake was also watching him- wait, WHY DOES HE HAVE A LIVE SNAKE AROUND HIS NECK?!


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