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"Caw! Caw! Head Southeast towards Osaka! Southeast!" Y/N's crow, Mizuki cawed.

  "Osaka, got it!" Y/N said as she grabbed her sword. "Iguro-san! I'm heading out now!" Y/N called out to Obanai who was training in the backyard.

   "Okay!" He called back. And with that, Y/N set out on her first mission.

  Osaka. Southeast. One of the most crowded cities in Japan. Hard to imagine a demon just lurking around their in the middle of a populous city. Maybe one of the twelve kizuki?


  After a few hours of walking, Y/N could make out the shape of another person in the distance. A crow was hovering above them.

  Y/N soon caught up to the stranger. He was a tall boy who looked around 15 years old. He was a demon slayer as well. His dark brown hair covered one side of his face.

  The boy took notice of Y/N and smiled at her. "Hi! Are you heading to Osaka too?"

  "Yeah..." Y/N answered quietly. "Don't tell me you're going too?"

  The boy smiled brightly. "Is there a problem with that, little girl?" He teased.

  "Don't call me little girl, you overgrown giraffe!" She said through gritted teeth. Despite the very clear deathstare he was giving her, he chuckled.

  "Okay, alright. What's your name?" He asked. Y/N raised her eyebrow at him.

  "What's it to you, smiley face?" She snarled. There was no way she was gonna reveal her name to someone she just met.

  "Well, we're both demon slayers heading in the same direction towards the same location and I figure we're gonna be partners for this mission and what good is a partner if you don't even know they're name." He said. Y/N rolled her eyes.

  "Fine. Its Y/N. You?" She said hesitantly.

  "Isamu Haruki. Breath of Wind user." He said, his smile not wavering a bit. "What breathing style do you use?" He asked.

  "Serpent breathing." Y/N answered. "We better get going."

  Isamu nodded and started following her.


  "Alright, you go ahead and scout the city for any traces a demon might've left behind. I feel like we're gonna be here for a while so I'll find us a place to stay. After that, I'll come and find you." Y/N instructed.

  "Got it." Isamu said. Turns out Isamu isn't actually someone who's smiling 24/7. He's actually really serious when it comes to demon slaying.


Isamu POV

  I planted myself on one of the rooftops and waited until the sun set.

  Once the sun set, I made my move.

  Cities like Osaka mostly come alive at night, which can be advantageous and disadvantageous for demons, since they have to be careful about the murder. I am not the best person for scouting, if anyone I know could scout out demons, it would be Y/N. That's it. What would Y/N do in this situation? Where would a demon hide in a place like this? Come on, think, Isamu!

  Just then, a dark presence swept over me. I turned around and found myself face to face with a demon.

  I immediately pull out my sword and took a fighting stance. My crow, Yukio was hovering beside me.

  "Yukio, go get Y/N! Tell her to come right now!" I tell him as he flew away to find Y/N.

  Y/N, you better get here soon, cause this demon, is an ex-kizuki.




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