Part 2

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I NEED A TUTOR?!" Quinn yelled at the Dean, in shambles. She never needed a tutor she was one of the smartest kids at PCA, Rivers sent her a small smile. Signaling her to sit down.

"Your failing history. I'm sorry but you need one." Quinn threw herself into the chair, groaning.

"Who would be my tutor?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. Depising the idea of needing someone to teach her something. A mischievous grin creeped onto the older man's face as he punched numbers in.

"Is your roommate with you?... No the other one... oh ok." He hung up, immediately yelling someone's name. A scrawny kid came stumbling in.

"Can you go to the beach and get the boy, I think he slept there again." Quinn scrunched her eyebrows together, confused on who was going to tutor her.

"I'm sorry you'll have to wait like ten minutes."

It was exactly nine minutes later when a knock came at the door, her eyes widened when he peered in. Sand covered in his messy hair, that wasn't blowed dried today.

"Phil said you wanted to see me?" His eyes adverted to Quinn, he had barely seen her since he stopped talking to her. Only in the hallways and their classes together which were history and chemistry.

"Yes Logan, can you take a seat next Ms. Pensky." Quinn noticed that her old friend wasn't nervous at all to be in the deans, she found it weird that he didn't mouth off to him either but she shook it off.

"Wait he's going too tutor me?" She said after realizing, her mouth gaped open.

"Wait what? Abe we talked about this and I appreciate what your trying to do, but please stop." When did Reese get on first name basis? What does he mean? What's he's trying to do? So many questions flew right and left through her head.

"And I'm not trying to do that." What ever was they didn't want Quinn knowing, "This will look good on your college application."

"I didn't even sign up to be a tutor."

"Logan you quit all your extracurriculars, you need this." Quinn whipped her head at Logan, confused. Why would he do that?

"Wait Logan can't tutor me? You can't be serious? He's a straight D student!!" She was frantic, she might aswell fail the class. The Dean shot a disappointed look at the boy sitting next to her.

"Not in history, I'm a C student." Logan said in his usual cocky voice. Rivers rolled his eyes at his behavior.

"You can't be serious right now? How am I supposed to get my grades up with him being my tutor."

"Just do it for a month and if your grades aren't up then I'll give you someone else." She sighed exasperated.

"Fine. When would we do this?"

"Everyday at four." Logan nodded contently, while Quinn still was wrapping her head around this.

They both look in her direction waiting for an answer, she gave them a fake smile.

"Fine." Quinn bitterly said, she could feel Logan's gaze lingering on her before he got up.

"See you later Abe! Good luck with kristy!" He yelled as he left the room, Quinn followed him still in disbelief with the conversation she just had. Pinching herself to see if this was a weird dream.

"Hey Reese, since when are you buddy buddy with Dean rivers?" She said in a snarky tone, catching up too him. Walking by his side, sand still lingered in his hair making her thoughts wandered to what Rivers said earlier.

I think he slept there again.

It had been two months since she last spoke to Logan Reese and it was in a argument, he had broken her latest quinnvention. It was one she spent a month on, and it was all gone in a second. He was already spacey before that, but after that he was to be heard from again.

Sometimes she'd see him in the hallways, always alone. She gave no thought to it. Maybe he didn't have anyone to walk with through those routes, she didn't quite remember if he walked with anyone before hand.

"Oh he's always on me about my grades. I'm always on the borderline of failing." He chuckled to himself, it was a half truth. He was on his grades but it was for colleges. Trying to keep him at A's all the time.

"So he put you on to tutor me? That doesn't make sense?! Your stupid. Ugh!"

"And you think I'm happy about this? Your interrupting my.." He stopped catching himself, "Your interrupting my gIrl time." His voice pitched higher, cringing at his lie knowing how fake it sounded.

"Your a pig." She retorted, trying to think of when the last time she heard anyone mention him being with any girls. Usually it was in the mornings, she would hear some girls whispering in English gossiping about who Logan Reese was with that week. But english had been silent. Maybe the girls lost interest.

"At least I don't smell like one, like you do." They we're about to go their separate ways when Quinn grabbed his bicep.

"Don't tell anyone your tutoring me." Then Logan said something she never thought he would say, giving her a charming smile.

"I would have to talk to people to tell people."

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