Part 9

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She finally asked Mr. Davis too move her seat, also begging him too act like it was his decision and not hers. Luckily the only empty seat was next to Logan, who she happily sat next too.

He quieter than usual, obviously lost in thought. She poked his shoulder, and he looked at her. The usual goofy grin wasn't present, she rose her eyebrow at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Very awkward conversation with Micheal and chase." He said, she hummed. Understanding why he's being mopey.

"You wanna skip next period and head to the beach?" He turned his head towards her, sending out his smile. Her stomach did summer-salts as he looked at her.

"Your the best you know that."

"I think your standards are little low considering I'm your only friend." He shoved her off the chair.

There was no one at the beach when they got there, Quinn felt an uneasy feeling like she might be seeing another layer of Logan Reese peeled away, too some people it was just a beach. But too her this was Logan's sleeping quarters.

"Quit thinking about it." He scolded her, pointing his finger at her.

"You don't even know what I'm think about." She challenged him.

"Your thinking about the fact that I sleep here." She fell silent and before she could speak again, he scooped her off her feet and ran towards the ocean. She beat his against his chest protesting, whining at him. He just cheekily smiled down at her as he waited for a bigger wave to hit them.

He spun around with her in his arms, letting the water push against his waist. Never letting go of her.

"I never felt more naked then walking in on their call together." He confessed, staring out into the water. She wrapped both her arms around his neck, giving him a big hug. "It was so humiliating Quinn, seeing Chase's face. He immediately knew something was off and I told him that me and Micheal drifted apart. I feel so bad. It was all my fault. I ruined everything." She let him rant, not saying word. Not sure what to say.

"Have you thought about talking to Micheal? He thinks about you, you know?" She finally asked after a couple minutes in silence, he walked towards the shore still carrying her.

"I don't know what I would say, besides I don't know if I can do that." He put her down, making eye contact with her. Her eyes were filled with confusion, worry, pity.

"Why?" She asked, again. She hasn't asked in awhile. Because she didn't want to ruin the dynamic they have going but she asked it every hour of the day. Because why the fuck did Logan Reese drop everyone?

"I just can't Quinn."

It irritated her, because even with every smile and butterflies. He would never tell her why, he had many secrets that's he's spilled to her but not the important ones. Like why does Dean Abe feel the need to play dad? Or why is he only talking to her and no one else? Why does he hide all the other things he good at? Why does he sleep on the beach? Why he become so angry before he left? Why'd he leave?

"Bullshit." She blurted out, he looked taken back.

"What?" His voice cracked a little, and it hurt her but she had a growing fury.

"Logan it's been almost three months! Why can't you just come back!? Why'd you leave in the first place? Why do you lie about everything!? Why'd you destroy your reputation?! Your a fucking ghost!" She yelled at him, standing up flinging her hands into the air as she spoke. Even angry, he still found her beautiful.

"I just can't tell I'm sorry Quinn! I'm sorry!" She shook her head, tears in her eyes.

"You weren't there after everyone realized you were gone, you weren't there to hear Micheal worry about you every single day, you weren't there to see Dustin kick James ass, you weren't there to cause chaos, you left a void in our group and it always there now. Sometimes I even catch zoey almost saying your name, to catch your opinion on something but then she'll get uncomfortably quiet and stop talking. Because we all worried about you, fuck even Lola was worried! So don't tell me you can't! Because you weren't there." Tears fell down her cheeks as Logan bit the side of his to keep them from coming, he'd rather her think he was cold on the inside. To go back to hating him.

"I'm sorry Quinn." He whispered, and she walked away. This was a different type of loneliness then before she came along. This swallowed him whole, leaving him to heavy breathe as he sobbed.

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