Part 8

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She got too the dorm room around ten pm, not even realizing how fast time went by in that little room. Cracking the door open to see if her roommate's were back yet, immediately spotting Vince and Lola making out.

And Lola immediately spotting her.

"Oh my god where have you been? You weren't at the bash? I need to speak you!" She stared at her unsure what to say.

"I went too go see the movie, I didn't feel like going to the bash I felt ill." Lola nodded understandingly, then asked the question Quinn was dreading.

"Why were you with Logan earlier?" Quinn fell silent, she never thought of an excuse to tell her friends. "Is he okay?" The brunettes eyes widened in surprise, staring at her in shock. "I still hate him, it's just- well you know, he disappeared with out a word. It's taking a toll on Micheal. It makes me hate him more but I can't help but worry."

"I understand exactly what you mean I was so relieved when he talked to me, he's fine though. He was asking me about a chemistry assignment. I don't think he's gonna talk any time soon though."

He didn't disappear without a word though, she thought. If they paid attention to him before hand you could've tell he was slipping, disappearing frequently or if he was with them he was a angry ball of fire. His eyes were always bitter, he was never happy. But of course none of them ever noticed that.

Micheal never asked about why she was with him.

Logan and Quinn became fast friends, meeting up in the janitors closet for tutor session or jam sessions. Sometimes they sat in silence, she would inhale the sweet citrus smell of the room. One day they spent four hours making a whole dance routine too 'shut up and dance with me', using his lint rollers as microphones. Sometimes he'd teach her chords on the guitars. In secret she would listen to the album covers on his binder, learning his music taste.

His stuff became hers and hers became his, hell she even started consider him a best friend. Mark was being pushed aside every day, seeing him less and less as she saw Logan more and more. She often thought about how he's probably the only person Logan sees other than Abe and Kristy, who he talks about all the time. She quickly realized they were much more than a supervisor an his fiancé. The kid literally got invited to their wedding.

She was thankful all her friends were to wrapped up in their relationships to see her go slip away and head to the closet, today he sat in the only empty corner. He'd had alway gave her the bean bag, she thought about getting a second chair as a surprise. But she didn't know she would discreetly do that.

"We should name your closet." She said randomly, his eyes lit up at the idea.

"The Logan dungeon." He said immediately.

"Hell no. No names with your name in it." He rolled his eyes playfully, running a hand through his curls.

"Creeps." She narrowed his eyes at him, he held up his hands in defense. "It's a good name. We are creeps."

"Fine." She said folding her arms, staring down at him who still kept a smile plastered on. She could get high off that smile.

Quinn left an hour later leaving Logan who decided to go back to his dorm, praying neither of his roommates would there.

But of course with his luck, Micheal was in there on call with the one and only chase.

"HEYY IS THAT LOGAN REESE?!" Chase said feral like, excited to see his best friend again. He never heard from him anymore, chase looked at Michaels reaction noticing how he cringed and then he looked back at Logan who seemed uncomfortable.

Somethings wrong.

"Hey buddie!" Logan finally said leaning down into frame, making sure he wasn't too close to Micheal. Chase could see the tension in the air, they acted as if they were strangers. And that scared the bushy hair kid.

"How've you been? It's been forever!"

"Oh you know I'm amazing as per usual and well you already knew I'm amazing though, but there's no harm in sharing it. They do say over sharing is better than not sharing."

Micheal winced internally as he fell into character, he hadn't seen Logan act like this since he left. He rubbed his fingers against his temple, sighing.

Chase looked at Logan's right hand, where his PCA ring was. But he had noticed the blue marker drawn all over his hand, he tried to make out what the drawings were but the screen was too pixelated.

"So what trouble have you two gotten too lately?" Chase asked.

"Yea Logan what trouble have we gotten into?" Micheal asked bitterly, staring down Logan who stuttered.

"I-well-we we haven't really been hanging out. I'm sorry." Micheal looked shocked that he admitted that, Logan wandered off frame to grab his book bag, throwing it over his shoulder.

"What do you mean you guys aren't hanging out? Did you guys get into a fight?"

"No chase." Logan said sternly. "We drifted apart. Move on and accept it." Then he left, leaving the duo in shambles.

"That's the longest he's talked in two months." Micheal said quietly, "I worry about him, he's not the same kid you used to know." Chase looked dumbfounded, he was a little hurt.

"Why'd no one tell me? Has he pulled away from everyone?" Micheal nodded.


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