Part 6

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Logan climbed into the back of the suv, greeting and congratulating Kristy. His smile was bright, truly happy for Abe and her, he always thought Kristy was fun.

Once they got to the restaurant they sat in a booth, and she showed him the rock on her finger. He was wandering where Abe got the money to afford it, he complimented the ring and gave his friend a thumbs up.

"So where was this hotel you stayed at?" Kristy asked him, pushing her bright pink hair behind her ear.

"I decided to go to LA, it was so much fun. I've been to LA a lot considering my dads position, but this time was different because I was alone. And honestly i felt free, like I could do anything. I know I'm only sixteen and couldn't do that much but it was perfect."

"I'm glad you liked it kid, speaking of your age. What are you doing for that seventeenth birthday?" Abe asked, Logan's birthday was in two weeks. The boy shook his head and shrug.

"I don't I'll figure it out. I'll probably treat myself. Is it alright if I skip school that day?" He asked. Abe pretended to be annoyed, and gave a big sigh.

"I suppose you could." A big smile washed over Logan's face as he thanked his supervisor. His mind felt at ease for the rest of the night, finding himself yet again on the beach.

He found himself spacing off what too get them for an engagement present.

Everyone was asleep when she pulled out the blue binder, grabbing her headphones to listen to the albums in the sleeve. Curious to see what music her friend liked. Friend? Their not friends. She told herself. He was her tutor.

The first album was Pablo Honey by Radiohead, she listened to it as she walked to chemistry. Flashing him a smile as she walked in, he looked surprised but returned it. She sat down at the table in front of his, they were assigned these seats in the beginning of the year. It used to annoy her that he sat right behind her, he used to always make snide comments at her. She never knew how much she could miss that noise.

She knew he was good at this class, and now she wanders if he's actually bad at any of his classes. She bit her lip thinking about what college he wanted to get into, the Dean probably knows she thought.

"Quinn!!" She heard the voice next to her yell, the curly head girl caught her attention.

"Sorry Stacey." Even she stopped talking about Logan Reese. He really made himself disappear. She glanced behind her taking a quick look, noticing their was specks on sand in his hair. She sighed, pity filled her.

"So are you coming to the beach bash tonight?" Stacey asked, Quinn smiled at her.

"Yea Lola is dragging me along. Besides I heard it's lot of fun." She ought to ask Logan if he's going. She thought.

Turns out she couldn't wait till four, as she hurried up too him in the hallway. He looked over to her confused, as she shot him a big grin.


"Soooo what?" He rose her eyebrow as they walked outside.

"Are you coming too the bash tonight?" He laughed. He laughed like that was the stupidest things he's ever heard.

"Hell no."

"Oh come onnnn.." She whined, not even caring that they passed Micheal who gave her a weird look.

"And please tell me what I'm going to do there?"

"Hang out with us?" Her voice was small, but it was hopeful. He gave her an empty laugh and shook his head.





"What does that even mean?" He asked, tilting his head.

"You cut the crap Reese, I know your head isn't made of rocks." He smiled down at her, adjusting his book bag.

"Shh you can't ruin my reputation."

"You mean there's still one left?" She quipped, almost regretting it thinking he would get mad but he just laughed it off.

"Well true true, but my name is a legend now. So be careful."

"Legends are talked about y'know.." She teased, realizing that she's practically walking him too class and hers on the opposite side of campus. But she didn't care in the moment, she had an urge to get to know this new Logan and figure out what happened. She wanted to know everything about him.

They got to his class and the door was cracked open where she could see Lola looking at her, Quinn ignored her gaze and continued too look at Logan.

"So yes your coming to the bash?"

"I said no." He told her.





"I need to get to class."

"That wasn't a no." She said as he opened the door wide open, Lola's eyes widened a little bit watching the two interact.

"Shut your face Pensky." She giggled.

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