Part 5

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The door swung open at exactly four pm, a smiling Logan entering. "Hello Quinn!" He said in singy song voice, bouncing over to her swivel chair.

"Someone's in a good mood."

"Of course I am! I get to tutor the smartest kid in school, do you know how that makes me look?"

"Like a nerd." She quipped.

"Shut up glasses." Normally she would take it personally, but he didn't sound dickish anymore. "Alright what do you need help on?" Pulling his bag in front of his knees and unzipping it, revealing a very organized set of binders.

"It's more like what do I not need help with." He laughed, whipping out a blue binder that said 'history' and 'Logan R. Reese' at the top then underneath in the slip their were album covers.

"Alright so let's start off with the most recent test and so i can figure out what you got wrong." She giggled nervously, handing him the paper.

Watching his eyes widen in shock, his mouth hanging wide open. "What the hell happened?!"

"Lola won't shut up and I cant concentrate." She bitterly said, he knew this though. He sat in the back and sometimes his gaze would advert to the loud girls, who interrupted the class often.

"Ask Mr. Davis too switch your seat for one." He said as he opened his tabbed binder going to the 'tests' tab, comparing his and hers. He got up too sit next to her on the bed, letting her peak over his shoulder.

Her brown eyes laid on the top, a giant circle and two numbers, 100/100. He aced the test. She didn't say anything too much in shock, glancing at him. Who seemed to be concentrated in comparing their answers.

"Ok let's start with this." He pointed at the second question, they went through every question on the test that she missed. She only got two right and it was fifty question test, he rambled on about the history of Mayans. It felt like the roles were switched.

She realized that he most definitely didn't have C in this class, he had so much knowledge. She nodded along, then he turned to her completely hiding the papers to his chest.

"Ok I'm going to quiz you. It'll just be like a review." He hasn't insulted her at all. She felt like she fell into a alternate universe, she got a lot of the questions wrong. He didn't make fun of her, he just hinted along at the answers trying to guide her along.

"Hey do you need to do extra studying? You can have all my old tests and assignments to look over it in your free time." He then continued to flip through all the papers, there wasn't one 99 it was all 100's. She wandered if he's always been like this.

"Yea thank you." She said as she took out the papers she needed, still amazed by what she found out today. "Soo what are you doing after this?"

He looked caught off guard by the question, Quinn cringed a bit. And even more out how soft his voice was, fragile.

"I have too go to dinner and then I'll probably make a pit stop at beach." Her heart sank, as she fidgeted with the paper in front of her tearing off little pieces of the corner. She knew that was code for where he was going to sleep.

"Dinner by yourself?" She asked. He laughed, showing a toothy grin.

"Don't make fun of me. But it's with Dean Rivers and his fiancé." She let out a laugh, she couldn't help it.

"Yea yea laugh it up."

"I mean how does that even come to conversation?" He paused, clearly thinking of something to say.

"Let's just say he's been my friend. And it's important I meet his girl for the fifth time. But this time their engaged!" He did jazz hands at the end adding some pizzazz.

"Fifth time?!" She shoved his shoulder playfully, so confused. "You have to tell me why you've met his girlfriend five times!? Let alone why your friends with the Dean? Omg is this a scheme to not get in trouble?! If it is it's kind of brilliant!"

He smiled shaking his head denying all of that, "He's kind of looked out after me, he found me two months ago somewhere. I don't really want to talk about that. Just he's been there."

That eased Quinn a little bit, knowing that someone was around for him. She still had so many questions but she decided not to ask.

Then the door swung open as Logan was getting up, leaving the binder on Quinn's lap. Throwing his bag over his shoulder, jumping at the obnoxious voices coming in.

Both girls froze into place looking at their former friends, they're face expressions changing rapidly as if they were trying to choose an emotion to feel.

"What are you doing here Logan?!" Zoey asked.

"He dropped his ring on the floor I figured I should give it back to him." She looked to his hand where he was fidgeting it with it.

"Yea thanks freak." He walked out before either of the girls could give anymore questions.

"Still a dick I see." Lola said rolling her eyes, falling flat on Zoeys bed.

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