Part 13

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He made basketball tryouts and chase comes home tomorrow, he was finally getting his life back on track. He currently sat in the creep dungeon, staring at his beautiful friend. Resisting the urge to get up and kiss her, but he never did.

"So who are you taking to prom?" Quinn asked, playing with the fuzz on the bean bag.

"No one cause i'm not going." She rose an eyebrow.

"Oh yes you are! I'll find you a date!" She smiled happily, he held back I want to take you. But he nodded along not being able to resist her pleads.

"So is Mark taking you?" Her smile dropped, biting her lip as she started.

"Mark broke up with me." Logan immediately got up unlocking the door leaving in a hurry.

"Logan where are you going?!" She shouted as they ran down the hall, she grabbed onto his elbow stopping him.

"Im going to beat that son of bitch up." Micheal was walking up too them as he stared at Logan and how he was looking at Quinn he had always looked at her like that, his eyes wandered to Quinn who had a smile tugged at her lips and too his surprise she had the same look.

"No you aren't. Come on we're going back over here. Where you cant beat anyone." She said as she started pull him in the direction of the closet, only getting stop by their friend.

"What's going on?"

"He found out Mark broke up with me." She threw her hands up, "I shouldn't of told him."

"Oh yes you should've so I can rip his head. Who would break up with you! Your Quinn!" Quinn blushed, giggling putting both hands on his shoulders.

"Calm down Reese. Let's go get a coffee. Wanna come with us Micheal? So this booger won't shoot and kill." Micheal agreed walking with them, none of their other friends knew that Logan was back. It wasn't like they were hiding it they just didn't tell them.

They passed Lola and zoey on the way to the coffee cart, who did a double take as they looked at Logan who, was actually smiling and talking to their friends. They didn't interfere, they just smiled. Exchanging a fond look, happy that Logan was ok.

"Alright Micheal help me pick Logan's date." Micheal rubbed his hands together mischievously, looking around the courtyard.

"Ok well if you get to pick mine I get to pick yours." Logan told her, mocking Michael's actions.

By the end of the day, Logan had to ask Stacy dillsen, and she had to ask her best friends little brother Dustin.

Logan was pretty psyched for the next day considering his best friend was coming home from England, no one else knew well except Quinn who he blabbed too. He told her everything.

Micheal, Quinn and Logan all sat in the boys dorm, with a cake that had chases face on. Waiting patiently for him too walk into the door, and when he did all hell broke loose.

The two boys immediately jumped on chase gleefully, knocking him the floor. Screaming like a pack of monkeys, "WELCOME HOME!" Quinn heard Logan yell, as chase tried to cover his ears.

"Ah you guys are so fucking loud!" After five minutes the duo leached off him, and chase gave a fast hug to Quinn who was standing there watching them.

Chase watched as Logan retreated next to her, like guard dog. He put his arm around her shoulder and grinning, "Quinn he's back!" He told her, she scrunched her nose up and giggled.

"No way! I didn't see him come in." She told him sarcastically, chase stared at them dumbfounded.

"Weird i know." Micheal murmured to him.

"Alright what's the game plan for zoey dude!? She's still dating James." They discussed battle plans all night, figuring out ways too get the two too break up while Quinn fed them insider information.

Micheal and chase never mentioned the fact that theirs friends cuddled more and more closer through out the night, playing with each other hair or teasing another. They were very domestic, chase noted. Still finding incredibly weird.

They all decided to go to the basketball court and play horse after their hours of conspiracy.

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