Part 10

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He spent days on that beach, not leaving. He didn't care how many classes he missed. He wasn't going to see her.

It wasn't until four days later he heard footsteps behind him and a familiar voice.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Abe scolded him, calming down slightly when he saw the state Logan was in.

"Quinn left." He said numbly, Abe pulled him into a tight hug. He hated that his spark was gone again, just when he was getting it back. All he wanted was the boy to be happy, for the world to stop hating him. To stop ambushing him with a whirlwind of hurt.

When they got too the campus Logan actually went to the dorm room, his closet was now ruined with memories. Micheal was in there and he assumed James was with zoey.

Micheal stared at his former best friend as he tossed himself in his bed, rolling over to look at the wall. He hadn't seen him in five days and he looked trashed, he's never seen him like this.

"Mr. Meyers asked about you. He told me that your A is going to drop soon if you don't return to class. Who would've thought you of all people would have an A in english?" He laughed at the thought, trying to make conversation with him.

"I'm a straight A student." He mumbled, shocking Micheal with the confession and the pure fact that Logan was speaking to him. "Now leave me alone."

Micheal was just happy he spoke to him.

"Later dude."

Logan ended up going to all of his classes, he knew his future was important and he cared about it. History class was dreadful, he couldn't stop stealing glances at her and he knew she was doing the same.

The world became quiet around him and he fell into his old routine before she came along. Alone all the time, throwing himself into homework and even getting a job to make an extra buck. His heart ached everyday and every little fiber in his body wanted to talk to her but he never did, he just counted down his days at PCA.

Quinn threw herself back into Marks world, trying to completely forget him. She saw him around, looking more of a mess than he did before somehow. She missed him so much, as the days passed she thought she would miss him less, but she didn't. It only grew. All of her grades dropped.

"Quinn what's been going on?" Lola asked one day, putting a hand on her knee in support.

"Nothing." She mumbled. "I'll get over it." She told herself.

She never gave back the binder, sometimes she would pull it out looking over all the album covers. Listening to that music as she flipped through the binder studying every way he wrote, tracing the words. She study with it as-well and it would end with her balling her eyes out.

Micheal seemed quiet lately she thought, and she figured why, it was always Logan. That's who raced through everyone's brain. Because sometimes Lola or zoey would even whisper 'oh my god did you see Logan he looked like a mess'

"I know this is a stupid question but have you talked to Logan recently?" Zoey asked Micheal one day, watching the curly headed boy walked past the group. He looked like a zombie.

"No he's really quiet but he's spending way more time in our dorm now. So that's good i guest." She gulped, guilt drowning her. She knew why he wasn't going to the closet. Meaning he wasn't drawing or playing guitar or learning his languages or taking a second to calm down. He was letting everything build up again.

She feared what this meant.

Because he wasn't angry this time, he wasn't full of rage, he was depressed. He didn't even smile when Abe talked to him.

"Chase would know what to do." Micheal mumbled.

It was a month later. Quinn lost track of Logan because he disappeared again but this time it was completely. She assumed he pulled a few strings with Abe to switch his classes that she was in. His absence was the worst thing to ever come.

It wasn't until one day when she saw him surprisingly it was at a beach bash, he sat on a bench watching everyone closely. While she stared at him, resisting the urge to talk to him.

He pulled out his phone and put it up to his ear standing up, she rose up immediately startling everyone. His face paled and his phone fell out of his hand, his knees buckled and a scream ripped through him filled with pain. As he crumbled, silence filled the beach as everyone look in his direction.

All Quinn could do was stare at him, unsure if she was aloud to comfort him. His pained eyes met hers as two guys pulled him away, his gaze never left hers.

"Who was that?" She heard Lola ask, tugging at Quinn's leg. She didn't even realize she was crying.

"Logan." Was all she said, wiping her tears. The group fell silent, they didn't speak for at least thirty minutes.

"I hope he's okay. God fuck I hope he's okay." Quinn said, tempted to call Abe. She told herself to do it when she got home.

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