Part 12

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It would be a week later when Logan Reese opened his dorm room, yet again finding Micheal on the call with Chase. They both stopped their conversation giving the boy looks of concern, Logan offered them a weak smile sitting on the couch.

"I'm fine stop worrying." He said, "I've been talking to someone about everything, I'll be ok." Micheal nodded frantically, a smile cracking at his lips.

"I'm glad to hear it."

"My dad passed. It was kind of my breaking point." He vaguely said, "after days of locking myself in the same room. I had some time to think, I hope the bridges I burned aren't irreversible and I hope that I can be your friends again. I'm sorry man for how I pulled away. You too Chase." They both looked like they were going to pee themselves, Micheal tackled him on the couch giving him a giant bear hug.

"I'll do the same when I come back!" Chase yelled through the screen, beaming with joy.

"Dude of course we can be friends again! I mean all I've done is worry about you!" He shoved his shoulder playfully.

"I know Quinn told me." Logan slapped his hand over his mouth as both of his friends stared at him wide eyed.

"You talk to Quinn? I mean I saw you guys together that one day."

"Yea that's when she told me. I was asking for chemistry homework and she couldn't help but slip in that you guys were worried. But I wasn't in the right head space to come back, I'm still not. Possibly might be worst now."

"I don't care man, we're just happy your back." Logan wandered how fast their tails would be wagging if they were dogs.

"Are basketball tryouts still available?" He was a 100% sure Micheal just shit himself, his mouth dropped.

"Uh yes! There in two days!"

"So what's with 180?" Chase asked, his eyebrows furrowing together.

"Well like I said there's lot of thinking time when you lock yourself in your room. I just want to be okay. Even if it's for a short while." He mumbled the last part, neither of the boys heard him, he thought of senior year. Wandering what school he'd go too next.

"I have lots a questions like so many questions." Logan gave him a chuckle, as chase waved his hand and agreed.

"Ok fire away, I'll answer the ones I want to answer."

"Perfect." Micheal and Chase sat in silence thinking of their first question.

"The dean'o, what's your deal with him?" Chase looked confused, Logan figured Micheal didn't share those details with him.

"Well.. I guess he's like my dad. He looks after me and when I had no one else he was there, wouldn't leave me alone. Constantly begged me to talk to someone, like make a friend. I eat dinner with him and his fiancé, Kristy every Wednesday."

"Dude! You could so use this to your advantage!" Chase exclaimed, his green eyes were filled with mischief as leaned back in his chair to think.

"Oh trust me there's perks, none I've asked for it but they're there. Ok next question?"

"When did you become a straight A student?"

"HE'S WHAT?!" Chase screamed through the screen, "that's it I'm buying plane tickets to come back, I've officially miss too much."

"I always have been. I take school very seriously."

"Ok I'm coming back next week?" Both boys whipped there head too the computer, wide eyes filled with joy.

"What?! You were being serious!" Micheal looked at Logan who got up from the couch, jumping up and down. Joy swelled up in him, as he saw the light in his eyes. It's been a long time since he's looked at Logan and not worried about him.

"Wait Logan are you going to be hanging out with us again? All of us?" Logan stopped in place, pausing to stare at them.

"I don't know if I can to be honest. You'll probably only see me at practice for now, I have another person I gotta make time for."

"He has a girlfriend." Chase said immediately, a blush creeped up on Logan's neck.

"No I don't. It's just I like to spend time with that person too." He crossed his arms, realizing that if he came back too the group he could hang out with her. The way they used too.

As if on que the door swung open, revealing the dark haired girl, flipping her braids and all. Her eyes went wide assessing the situation, realizing the Logan was smiling. Matter a fact they all were wearing cheesy grins.

"I told them!" Reese blurted out immediately, not being able to contain his joy from. Neither could she, considering the fact that she ran towards him giving him a hug.

"I'm so proud of you!"

Both the guys next to them looked dumbfounded, "Quinn what are you doing here?"

"Oh right! We need your help in the lounge." She said pulling apart, leaving her arm resting on his bicep.

Micheal looked at Logan opening his mouth and closing it, "Dude go help them, I'll sit here and talk to curly sue over here!"

"Ok we're still not done with questions!" The two scrambled out of the room, Logan adverted his eyes to the computer.

"I can't believe your coming back next week!" He exclaimed.

"Why was Quinn so excited for you? Doesn't make sense she hated you before hand and now she doesn't so much so to the point where she's hugs you."

"I don't know man. Maybe she's finally realized she can't resit the log." He said flexing his arms up.

The two talked for two hours after that, catching up on everything. Logan left out some details of what happened to him or the fact that he's not coming back next year. But it was nice to talk to his best friend.

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