Part 7

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She avoided everyone, and didn't even go to lunch knowing both Micheal and Lola would have questions. Ones she did not have the answer too.

It 3:59 and she was waiting for the curly headed boy to walk in, she thought about how messy his hair looked these days and wandered if the lunch lady still blow dried it. She must've stopped if it looked like that everyday.

Logan got too her door and paused, taking a deep breath. Making a note to thank Abe later. He opened it up with a big grin, joy rushed through him as he looked at her. He always found the brunette beautiful, it was intimidating too him that she was so perfect. She was smart, pretty, good at basketball. He always was mean to her for those reasons, he found her incredible and had no idea how to handle it.

She flashed him a smile as he ran towards her and tackled her on her bed, her laugh was music too his ears and at that moment he knew he would do anything just too hear it. "We should play football sometime." Logan said as he got off her straightening his back, her face was beat red and it made his grin impossibly bigger.

"Bet. At the beach bash."

"Quinnnn" He groaned, falling backwards on her bed. "I'm not going to your stupid beach bash. Why are you adamant about this?" She was silent for a minute, then spoke.

"Welll I might've heard you and Dean rivers talking." His face paled, thinking of every serious conversation he's had with that man, running every scenario she could bring up. "I heard you don't talk to anyone, is that true?"



"I don't need you budding into my life, Abe does that plenty.. like way too much like oh my god. He put me up too tutor you because he wants my college app to look good and he's been begging me to talk to at least one person. And it's still not good enough, he's tells me everyday too talk to someone." He watched bite her lip and look at the bed sheets, he wandered what she was thinking. Well he knew what she was thinking-

"Why?" She asked, he acted like he didn't understand what she was saying. "Why'd you stop talking? You were so lively." Her voice was barley above a whisper and her eyes were filled with pity. He gulped.

"I came here too tutor you not for therapy." Was all he said, as he pulled the blue binder out from under her bed.

Flipping to the tab marked notes, they looked like a psychopath wrote them. They were messy and not a single space was left open, some letters were huge and some were super tiny. Quinn felt like she shouldn't see these likes it's a part of Logan's head she shouldn't be at.

"So what are you going to do tonight?" She asked.

"Probably go the beach after the bash is over."

"Please don't." She accidentally blurted out, her eyes widening as she saw the look on his face. "I know you sleep there."

"Don't tell me what to do Quinn, we have to study. Have you asked our teacher to switch your seat?" She shook her head, he sighed. "You gotta do that, ok?"

"Ok." She gave him a weak smile, still in her head asking the same question since the day she realized he was never coming back. Why?

It was two weeks after he broke her invention, Micheal sat down huffing. "He's still not talking." He said bitterly, she looked passed his shoulder too see the boy who left everyone in shambles. He watched as Mandee slapped him.

"You'll regret ever leaving me!" She yelled as she walked away, her fists clenched too her side. He looked content with what he had just done, his eyes caught onto the brown ones. He gave Quinn a sad smile, his eyes crinkling around the edges. They stared at each other for a little too long, he let out a sigh. As if the weight of the world was on his shoulder and he gave her one last wave, she knew it was a goodbye. A 'I'm not coming back' she could tell in his eyes, they weren't malicious or bitter. They were solemn.

She looked at him now, they were still like that. The question will linger in the air until the end of days, why? She wanders if she'll still be wandering in ten years, she decided that she would be. She never liked unsolved mysteries.

"Are you even listening?" He said with a laugh, she shook her head in honesty. He closed the binder, a smirk started to appear on face. She never knew she could miss that smirk, before she knew it he took her hand. And started running.

"Wait slow down Logan!" She pleaded but he didn't care, dragging her across the campus. He looked behind him with a goofy grin as they headed into the Maxwell hall.

They arrived at a janitors closet, she scrunched her nose. He pulled out a green key out his pocket and unlocked the door, as he pulled it open he looked around to see if anyone was around to see them. There wasn't.

He then pulled her in, flipping the switch on and locking the door behind them. Her mouth dropped open, the walls were covered in colors with doodles everywhere. A acoustic guitar laid in one corner and a green electric guitar laid in the opposite corner, the room had sound proof pads lined around them. He had a shelf with snacks and Baja blast, layering on top of another that had language books on it Spanish, Russian, Italian, asl and Norwegian. She looked up only to mesmerized by the ceiling, it looked hand painted on it was a sunset looking down on a huge city. The corners were lined with led lights and in the middle as the sun, there was a disco ball. She then looked back at her friend, too shocked too speak.

"Welcome to my secret spot, perks of being best friends with the Dean is I get my own private hang out. This is the other place I sleep a lot. I figured we could take a break from studying and have a jam sesh." He sat on the floor and tapped on the furry pink bean bag signaling Quinn to sit down. "Do you know how to play guitar?" He asked innocently, messing with the tuning pegs.

"No I don't, I never had time growing up." She was still marveling over the drawings on the wall. "Did you draw all this? They're all so different styles." Her hands traced over the nearest painting, which was a blonde hair women who looked about thirty and she was wearing a red dress. Her blowing in the wind, throwing a frisbee.

"Yes I did draw everything and painted everything, it calms me down." She felt like one of his walls were knocked down entirely by showing her this room, so much information was contained in this little area. Her eyes shifted to a orange envelope on the floor spilling out pictures, only one was lifted upwards. It was him and chase when they were sixth graders, he was carrying the bushy head kid in his arms bridal style.

"That was spring break, my dad took us to San Francisco and we took that on the bridge." He said as if he were reading her mind.

"How long have you had this room?"

"Two months ever since Abe found me that night."

"Alright! Let's hear you play some songs buddy boy!" She said trying to lighten the mood, he smiled grabbing his guitar.

"Any suggestions?" He smirked down at her, she made a note to herself to never hate that smirk again.

"How about some Taylor swift? Wait no your Logan you wouldn't-"

"I'm playing paper rings!"

She never made it too the bash.

A/N I'm fully aware that paper rings was way after this but I don't care. It's Taylor swift.

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