1. Not a good night

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You lay there motionless, the girls that were beating the crap out of you laughed and finally walked away.

Their voices still echoed through the hallway, talking about going to karaoke. They're talking so happily as if they didn't just gang up on you.

Getting up from the bathroom floor, you grabbed your phone from your bag that was scattered, you checked your phone and sighed you were not happy, along your screen there was a crack.

Standing up although a bit wobbly, gathering your things you washed your hands. You looked at the mirror infront of you.

There's a forming bruise under your left eye, there were also scratches near your lips and lastly your nose was bleeding.

You started to wash your bloodied nose, and looking at the mirror again. You noticed there were tears streaming down your face.

You couldn't stay strong for long, you cried quietly, there were thoughts forming in your mind.

'Why are they doing this? I don't even know them, is it because I helped Daniel?' In truth you speculated that the reason they were beating you up was because you stopped Logan.

And helped tend to Daniel's wounds, that boy was nice and really quiet, when you tended to his wounds, he was blushing profusely, and probably embarrassed.

That a girl was patching him up, and he needed a girl to defend him.

You couldn't stand it anymore, you were leaving this darned school, you were really guilty leaving but you couldn't take it anymore.

Starting tomorrow, you're gonna find a nice place to move and start fresh again.

The girls that were bullying you  wondered why you're not at school today, they were worried.

Especially Jihun, maybe you reported them or something, they do have their DNA in your face from the scaratches.

It's been two weeks since the incident happened, at first they weren't worried at all, maybe you needed a little break? And then that thought progressed to avoiding, maybe you were avoiding them? So Jihun went to your homeroom teacher, acting as a worried friend but the homeroom teacher admitted that you were absent.

Jihun is worried really worried, she's  afraid police officers will swarm the place and arrest her and her friends.

She decided that, she'll visit your homeroom teacher again, this time using her charm (sexual assault?)

"Mr.Nam! Has (Y/n) contacted you yet? I'm getting worried for her.." Jihun said, batting her eyelashes.

"Ah, Jihun Kim right? She did, sadly she's transferring schools, the reason was bullying, do you perhaps know who's been messing with her?" Mr. Nam looked at Jihun.

At the mention of bullying she froze, her world was spinning and sweat started forming near her temples.

"O-oh? B-bullying you say..? Sadly I haven't seen anyone bothering h-her.." She responded, she was fidgeting.

"Ah, well thanks anyway, I have to go ask around, I'll make sure that the person that did this will go punished, well run along now Jihun classes are starting." Mr. Nam said, without being told twice Jihun left.

Jihun practically bolted out of there, She had to pay you a visit soon.

"Ah, are you Ms. Qui? Im (Y/n), i came by to check the rental house.." You said, unsurely, because this woman..is making out with someone.

Ms. Qui finally looked at you and smiled brightly, while pushing away the man she was kissing minutes ago.

"(Y/n) Cho, right? Darling i have been waiting for you, the rental house is this way!" She said, while excitedly grabbing your hand and dragging you outside.

"Erm, i forgot to mention that the house is not very..pleasant to look at, but it is clean and neat, just..a few rust and..er here and there." She explained not sure how to word the current state of the house.

"Oh, well i don't mind a bit of rust i can get it cleaned up..it is sturdy right? I wouldn't want anything to fall on me while im sleeping.." You said a bit hesitant, you didn't want to insult the house before you get to actually see it.

"Oh no worries, it's very sturdy you can jump on the second floor if you'd like." She offered, quite seriously at that.

"Erm..no thank you.." You trailed off, after noticing the house.

She was right, it's not very pleasing to look at but it was clean in the inside. The bedroom and bathroom was spotless, it was just the outside that looked pretty ugly.

Ms. Qui finally explained every rule to you, well one rule, actually two.

"No loud noises, I dont care what you do in there as long as it isn't noisy, oh and pay on time alright? If you follow both it'll make me really happy! Now I shall leave you be, to unpack and other stuff.."

"Oh and darling if you need anything make sure to come over alright? No need to get shy, though I might be a little busy.." She said, before patting you in the shoulder and leaving.

Odd, she's nice but odd, it makes you a bit refreshed, people that are odd make you happy, cause then they'll give you the most entertainment.

Your thoughts got interrupted when a your phone buzzed from your pocket, confused you checked and immediately answered.

"Ah, hello?" You asked, making sure the person can hear you.

"Hello, is this Ms. (Y/n) Cho? Im calling to tell you that you have to come here in Jaewon high, for your schedule and uniform, please come tommorow at exactly seven in the morning." The person in the other line explained.

"We hope to see you soon" They said before hanging up. 'Very odd school and seven in the morning..?!'.

"Ah, I just moved and i already have things to do first thing in the morning! Well, i should unpack then." You said while grabbing your things from the truck.

"I wonder how Daniel is holding up..? I'll call him later, i feel kinda bad, can I really feel bad? I did leave him.." You thought while placing the box down on the living room floor.

"Hmm, i should just call him once, yeah just once to see how he's holding up.." She muttered, getting her phone she realized one thing.

"I-i didn't-fuck i didn't save his number? I'm such an idiot" She cursed herself, feeling all the more guilty.

"I-i'll visit him, after the meeting tommorow, i-is that really a good idea though..? I can't the guilt is eating me alive! I'll visit him secretly!" With her mind made up she continued with moving the boxes in her new home.

"Ah, a cold drink would be nice.."

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