3. Number Secured

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Daniel Park has always been a awkward person, although that depends on the person he's with.

And right now, he's awkward and sweating while you talk to him so happily.

It's not that he doesn't share your enthusiasm, it's that you were just.. so distracting that he can't come up with sentences fully.

And that's why he's so glad, you don't mind him stuttering and stumbling over his words.

He always knew you were a very nice person, but to think you'd consider his other body as a friend.

Well you gained yourself.. a friend.. another one at that, well technically same soul different body.

Back to the situation at hand, he never knew you could be so distracting. It feels like forever ever since you saw each other (although you don't know that).

"-And i really want his number back, but i don't know where he is.." Now he's interested.

"U-uhm who exactly..?" He asked nervously, because it sounds like he wasn't paying attention to you (he was, he's just busy admiring your hair?).

"Oh my friend, who has the same name as you by the way." You explained so patiently to him.

Wait what, you want his number?

At that his face exploded, he didn't know what to do at that, so he started sipping on his juice while looking away.

Zoe is an observant girl, it may not seem like it, but she's good at it. The sad part about this, is she only uses this if it benefits her, if it doesn't she doesn't care.

And through observation, (by her's truly) she concluded that you were starting to get really close with Daniel.

Before she can interfere though, she saw Daniel's face explode in pink.

That scene was so distracting, that she just stared at him, with her heart shaped eyes and paired with a longing sigh.

She forgot all about you, because Daniel flustered is the best thing she saw all day (any face of Daniel in particular).

And she wondered if she truly is inlove with Daniel, but she wasn't too worried. As long as he stays handsome, she'll stick around.

"-Zoe, i really want to be friends, so can i get your number?" A sudden voice interrupted Zoe's thoughts.

It came from none other than, the girl Daniel invited for lunch.

She was about to refuse, but that wouldn't look good for her. After all Daniel seems to like you.

"Oh- i don't usually give away my number, but for you i'll make an exception! Give me your phone." she said, and suddenly she got a brilliant idea.

"Since were on the subject- why don't we all exchange numbers! That way no one will feel left out." genius, Zoe, genius.

Staring at the two people on the table, she expected them to atleast show a little emotion.

"Oh well, give your phone over to Daniel then, we exchanged numbers earlier." You said, and with that Zoe slumped a little.

Seriously? You're way faster than her, and that's a lot coming from her, Zoe Park.

Who would have thought that you'd be so.. bold? Anyways you might be fast with your moves, but she's Zoe Park!

No worries, she'll just have to drag you down, unsuspiciously of course, because at the moment, Daniel does enjoy talking to you.

And maybe by a little, just a little, you were indeed very pretty.

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