7. I can't do this anymore

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Some sort of festival was approaching fast, because some of your classmates were talking about it non-stop.

"Hey new girl, i forgot your name but are you hoping to bid on someone?" Some classmate of your's asked.

'What, bid on who? And who the heck are you?'

"Ah- i'm sorry i don't know what were bidding on.." You replied unsurely.

'Wow i didn't know this school was rich, i mean i get that many promising idols, singers, dancer came from here but, wow.'

How come no one tells you things anymore.

"Seriously? Weren't you added in the groupchat last time?" The random girl babbled on.

'Oh right! Zoe did add me last time, but i was so busy with Jihun and Johan, i completely forgot!'

"Anyways i just came here to warn you not to bid for Daniel, you're for sure wasting your money." And then she left.

"Thanks for the advice-? And she's walking away already. Great, now what."

"Wait what, did she say Daniel? Bid on Daniel? Daniel Park? Like some sort of..? treasure huh." You muttered.

You spaced out for the rest of the class, and before you knew it, it's time for lunch.

And no one was around you anymore, seemed like that Daniel's been busy these past faw days, huh?

You don't blame him, lately your mother was sending loads of paperwork to your home. Seriously, you're barely out of school and you're already working.

'Anyways, seems like this auction, i assume is for charity then? If they're willing to auction their male students.'

'Oh i can't wait to see much i'd spend, this is so exciting!'

You exclaimed, 'okay, who am i bidding on though..'

'I barely know anyone here..'

And that's a little awkward because, you only know Daniel and Zoe, other than those two, you have no idea who you go to school with.

'Maybe i can interact with other- ow.'

Disrupted from your train of thought, you quickly opened your mouth to apologize to the person you've bumped into.

Only to be cut off by the same person.

"Are you alright?" The person asked, followed quickly by your nodding.

"Sorry i wasn't looking where i was going." You apologized and bowed quickly hoping to finish this awkward moment.

"Ah no it's alright, i wasn't either, are you sure you're okay?" The person asked once more.

Finally standing up straight you noticed one thing, damn he's pretty.

I mean to be honest, you weren't even looking at his face, it was his hair that you were attracted to.

'Purple and pink? or is that blue..? Man i want to get my hair done too..'

"-llo?" That startled you, "H-hair! your hair is unique?!"


'Die, die now, i want to die, and crawl into a coffin never to be seen again, what was i thinking?! And i blurted that out?! What's wrong with me???!'

While you were having an internal reality check with yourself, the person you were with was happy with the compliment.

"Thank you, if you want i could cut your hair for you?" He offered.

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