2. Really weird coincidence

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"Ah, im beat." That was the first thing you said when you went out of jaewon high.

You have went to get your uniform which you were told that you can make it more fashionable. Just don't shorten the skirt as it was already short on its own.

Today was really a less busy day, you were strolling about in front of coffee shops.

When one particular shop interested you, so to make use of time you went in and got food.

The food was great, you were just tired, for no reason at all.

These days felt tiring for no reason, even getting out of bed was hard. You don't have many friends to call. Due to Jihun's bullying.

This caused people to stray away from you, as they didn't want to become a target themselves.

You're glad you left, Jihun was a nightmare, you hope to never ever see her again. Or else you might do something you'd definitely regret.

Time seems to slow down when you're bored, that reminded you! You were going to ask for Daniel's phone number again.

That leaves the question 'how?', right you don't know where he is. Maybe strolling around your old school would help?

Ah fuck it, you're not afraid of jihun anymore anyway, what is she gonna do transfer to your new school?

Well if she did, you might call your mother to find someone to beat her up. Not that you were going to resort to that..no, never..

Okay if she did though, you might venture to the world of Chick-chi again, and considering Jihun, you might have to work there again.

And once again you went to your old school, just..to find a certain someone.

You lied, you're still a fucking coward, i-i mean its fucking Jihun, you really can't afford to see her again, as a last resort you went inside a- a gym?

No a dojo, wait a minute..how the fuck did you find a fucking dojo? Were you so distressed that you didn't even know that you entered a dojo?

Now that's amazing, maybe if you started being a coward more, you'd be able to find cleopatra's missing body..

"Hello! are you here for a lesson?" Startled by the voice you turned around as quickly as you can.

"Oh, my apologies i didn't mean to startle you.." Now seeing the person in front of you, you'd say you'd never seen a..hot dad before..?

Well, not until this moment. Okay back to the nice man.

"O-oh sorry..i didn't mean to intrude, i was- just..passing by-?" You tried to think of an excuse, because who wants to say that they're afraid of coming back to a school..

"Well no worries, if you are interested in learning taekwondo feel free to come back, you're always welcome!" And with that you bowed and ran.

"Next time, i'll just find him.." and with that you headed over to your house..?

"I don't feel like getting up today, it's my first day too." you talked to yourself while looking at the ceiling of your room.

The glow in the dark stars appear more green than lately, maybe you should buy new ones.

With a tired body and a drained mind, you set off to jaewon high where your nightmare or if you're lucky dream begins.

Jaewon high..is something.

Not that you were judging of course but, what type of school did Ms. Yuna applied you to..?

Well no matter you trust her with your life, patiently waiting outside the door of your classroom you didn't notice someone being beside you.

Until they gasped and looked away, curious as to who the person is you looked in their direction.

And holy, he did not dissappoint, with a goal in mind you opened your mouth but the teacher had called for you both.

Waiting for the other person, both people remained standing outside awkwardly..

Until the person next to you opened the door and stepped inside, with you following closely behind.

The class then started murmuring to each other.

'Damn, why am i going with pretty boy, now all the attention is on him, he's got my attention too..'

With a sigh you wait for him to introduce himself.

"I'm Daniel Park, nice to meet you.." He said awkwardly.

'Daniel..Park? Huh who knew daniel has got the same name as this..dude?'

"I'm (Y/n), nice to meet everyone..?" You decided to end your introduction there.

Because let's be honest no one was really paying attention to you.

I mean you wouldn't either to be honest, like you'd be ogling too. But you have self control and respect for yourself..?

Ah, well might as well try to find Daniel's house, the other Daniel not this one.

It's refreshing to hear that little bell go off, indicating that it's lunch time.

Being alone was never weird for you because you were used to it, i mean you were bullied.

But this is weird, weirdly weird.

"Do you.. wanna have lunch with me?" That statement, has got you curious on who the pretty transfer asked for lunch today.

And lo and behold he's asking you to lunch, before you could answer though a girl with amazing hair had cut you off.

"Oh danny~ are you guys friends?! Hello nice to meet you im Zoe! Are you new?" She asked with a pout and a bit of childness in her voice.

"Oh hello Zoe, yes im new here." You said looking a bit at Daniel's slightly awkward smile at you.

'I introduced myself like a few minutes ago..'

Realizing Daniel's waiting for your response you acted quickly.

"Oh!- you're asking me?" A nod was given, "Well- i-i'd love to.. thank you for asking..?" Now getting up from your seat.

You realized everyone's attention was on the three of you, actually the two of you.

Zoe was also staring at you with a strained smile, feeling awkward about the whole ordeal you decided to grab your lunch bag.

Deciding to be cheerful, you asked Daniel a bunch of questions.

"Come to think of it, i also have a friend named Daniel Park, isn't it a weird coincidence?"

Happy New year's eve everybody!!
Although no one is really reading right now

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